November 24, 2023

No Black Friday Here...

This is what I worked on yesterday. We had a lovely, quiet day, so I had time to stitch for a bit. We're getting together with #1 Son's family today, so I did a little baking to contribute.

Our dear daughter-in-law can't eat gluten due to health considerations, so I've baked gluten-free dinner rolls, a g-f raspberry torte, and corn casserole. The recipe for the torte is from a Wisconsin restaurant I went to in the late 70's-early 80's called the Jamieson House. It was near where I lived in Portage, and it was also a bed and breakfast upstairs (I never stayed there). Anyway, years later, I saw recipes from the Jamieson House in a magazine for this torte, and also for Devonshire Cream (which I had when I was there for dinner). That dessert was served at Handsome and my wedding reception. I would have made the Devonshire Cream for today's meal, but was really curious about the torte. I'll let you know what everyone thinks.

You can see I made a little progress on this frog, too. I have to finish its back feet and leg, but I'm still deciding on the colors for the oval on its back. I guess we'll find out all together what I choose. I'll get back to it on Saturday.

If you followed me for more than eleven months, you'll know that I don't do Black Friday events in the stores. I may take advantage occasionally of a good cyber deal, but no way this ol' girl is going shopping out in the wild. I just don't see taking a day to be thankful for all my blessings, and then running out the next day to buy more stuff. No thank you, very much. You can always find me right here if you need me. 

If you're going out, be safe out there, and I'll meet you back here tomorrow.


  1. I don't do Black Friday either, it's a madhouse!
    The deals aren't worth getting hurt or getting in an accident trying to find a parking spot.
    I will put up the tree & Christmas decorations while listening to Christmas music. :)

    1. Hi, Marilyn:
      I couldn't agree more. We had to make one stop at Walmart on our way home from son's home last night, and thankfully, I was quiet. Our Christmas decorating will be minimal this year, as it's difficult for me to put it all away on my own after Handsome leaves for Florida. We might have to find a tabletop tree this year. I bet your place looks festive, though!

  2. No Black Friday madness for me either, online or otherwise. I've been inundated with ads for what seems like weeks and noticed many retailers are starting their Black Friday sales at least two weeks in advance. Pretty soon it's going to be Black November!
    Enjoy your family time today.

    1. Hi MA:
      Same here. I almost hate to turn on the television. Christmas music before Thanksgiving, and the ads seem to get more obnoxious every year. We had a grand time. Thanks.

  3. I hope you have a wonderful day with #1 son and family. I agree with you all about the shopping frenzy. It has just gone over the top! I have been trying to simplify and reduce the amount of stuff also. Take care - Kathy

    1. Hi Kathy:
      We really did have a lovely time. I'm continuing to purge "stuff", and am seriously considering intangibles as Christmas gifts this tickets, dinner gift certificates, etc. I'd certainly rather receive that than more things. We'll see.

  4. Sherry of createology: I make it unanimous for NO shopping for me! I like making my gifts for loved ones. My day will be spent here at home with cold intermittent raindrops falling. Enjoy Family time.

    1. Hi Sherry:
      You and me, both. Handmade is always best to give and receive. Stay dry, my friend. The temperature is dropping here. The Ladies of the Barn woke up to a slushy water dish, so I finally plugged in their little water heater to keep that from happening again. January will bring them back inside, but keeping them comfy for now. Thanks, dear. It really was lovely.

  5. No shopping for me either, I can't deal with more than six people in the grocery store, so no
    shopping craziness for me. For me it is very sad that the real reason for Christmas is almost forgotten by so any, but that's marketing. The past few years I have been simplifying life, purging, decluttering, focusing on things that have much more meaning for me.
    Hope you had a wonderful day, it's always nice to extend the holiday.
    Enjoy the weekend.

    1. Hi Shirley:
      Looks unanimous. We all stayed out of the shops yesterday! Yea, us!! I agree, dear. I'd rather have a quiet dinner with the entire family - and would happily forego gifts for such a granted wish. We did have a grand time yesterday. I'd love to be able to gather like that at least once a month. Perhaps that will be my Christmas request.


Thank you so much for leaving a comment today. I'm using new settings on my comments so that I'll be able to respond to your messages to me. Be sure to come back to see my replies!

Blessings, Donna