November 11, 2023

I Did It! Four Frogs Finished...


I met my deadline! Four frogs finished by Friday. (Say that fast four times!) I'll be completing them as requested by the recipients, and they'll be hopping on their way to new homes on Monday.

This is a closeup of the green frog I did yesterday, and I'm quite happy with the final result. I have a total of twelve frogs to complete for the Gratitude Giveaway participants, but will work on them intermittently until all are mailed to new homes. 
I say that I won't do them all right away, but you know that I won't let this project sit too long. Of course, there are the inevitable sewing projects I have to create for the holidays, and I have a wallet order due up next. I promise the frogs won't linger on my list, and I'll do them sooner rather than later. I'll share one more photograph of this lot after I release them from the fabric and turn them into their final forms. Then on to the wallet commission. 
I hope you have a great weekend planned. Once these are done, I'm going to put my feet up for a bit, and Handsome has his final Fond du Lac Symphonic Band concert for the year on Sunday. I wouldn't miss it for the world. I'm off to grab a cuppa, and then I'll be in my studio. See you later!


  1. They are all to cute!
    Have fun seeing Handsome's last concert.

    1. Hi Marilyn:
      Thank you, dear. I'm looking for ward to the concert. It will be at St. Paul's Cathedral in Fond du Lac...a truly grand venue.

  2. Travel safely, little froggies! The spot on my windowsill is all set and waiting. I already know there will be lots of petting involved before he gets there though.

    1. Hi MA:
      It will be flying to you on Monday, dear. Let me know if you have a preference between the two blue ones.

    2. No preference Donna! I'll give a good home to either one of them.

    3. Thanks, MA. It will be in the mail Monday morning!

  3. Sherry of createology: You always meet your deadlines dear. These Wee Little Froggies are divine. Handsome’s concert will be a wonderful way to enjoy your Sunday evening. Blessings Dear…

    1. Hi Sherry:
      You know me well, my friend. Thank you. You're right. I always love watching him make music. I wish you could join us.
      Sunday Blessings,

  4. They are just adorable. Enjoy the concert.


Thank you so much for leaving a comment today. I'm using new settings on my comments so that I'll be able to respond to your messages to me. Be sure to come back to see my replies!

Blessings, Donna