November 4, 2023

One Done...

I completed one of my frogs yesterday. I love this blue one! My photos never do justice to the sparkle on these pieces. No worry, though, as many of you will be able to see the sparkle first-hand...soon. I'll continue to work on them over the weekend to get this batch finished.

Grandson's college senior recognition football game is today and Grandpa Handsome and I were invited to attend. It's supposed to be 45º for a high today, so it ought to be a lot of fun. snort I won't complain. I wouldn't miss it for anything.

I promised a reminder to turn your clocks back an hour when you go to bed tonight. Here it is! This is the hardest part of the time changes. The dogs' inner clocks don't make the change. What we do is slowly add ten minutes to the "real" time until they're acclimated to the new 5 o'clock. Personally, I think these time changes are nuts, but I not going to get up on my soapbox. I'll just set the clocks back like the rest of you.


  1. The Froggys are all cute, the blue is stunning!
    At least we gain an hour of sleep.
    But I don't understand why some states do it, & some don't!

    1. Hi Marilyn:
      Thanks so much! There is that extra hour of sleep. I wonder the same thing. I wouldn't mind if they just stopped doing it altogether, but apparently, I'm in the minority.

  2. ooooh - the blue is beautiful!!! So glad I chose blue (not that it's my favourite colour or anything...and not that I'm sure I haven't mentioned that fact before).
    As for the time change, I hate it. Statistics show that more pedestrians are hit and that there are more accidents overall so that should be enough to sway the powers that be to leave well enough alone. Like Marilyn said, I don't understand either why some areas do it and others don't. It has to be beyond confusing for everyone. There, I stepped onto my soap box for a second there and slipped off (don't worry, I didn't hurt myself).

    1. Hi MA:
      Thanks for the giggle. I agree. I really dislike that it changes twice a year. I'd rather they just left it alone. Glad you're okay! hee hee.
      Glad you love this frog!

  3. Sherry of createology: BLUEtiful Wee Froggie! Oh seriously why do we continue to change our clocks forward and backwards?!! I like light later in the evening. Feed pets so that they aren’t fainting from hunger is a very good idea. Bundle up for the game dear.

    1. Hi Sherry:
      I'm partial to this blue one, too! I guess all of us agree. That should be sufficient to stop this nonsensical back and forth, wouldn't you think? lol I thought I was sufficiently bundled for the game (I had three bloody layers on, after all, including my Barbour coat), but the northeast wind off Lake Michigan darn near got me! I was freezing - even in the sun. I should have taken my winter coat with the hood. It was Grandson's last home game of his senior year of college, and there's only one away game in Illinois (which we won't attend), so I guess it's all moot now. We did have a grand time, though, and I'm so glad I went.


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Blessings, Donna