November 2, 2023


November 1st. The sun was out, the wind was blowing, and there's snow on the ground. Thankfully, it will be in the 50s by the weekend, so the 4" or so we got for Halloween will have melted. Seriously, I'm not ready for shoveling and snow boots yet.

It was a perfect day to bake, so bake I did. By dark, I had four loaves of farmhouse bread, a dozen dinner rolls (yes, I know there aren't twelve in the photo. Hmmm. Wonder why? lol), and a lovely onion pie to go with our barbequed ribs.

And, as if that wasn't enough. In between working with the bread, I had thirty minutes each time to work on my needlework. Now that I know who they'll be going to, one green and one blue frog will be finished for my giveaway winners. 
I've been getting emails from the rest of my commenters on the giveaway post so I can add names to my schedule to create more. If you commented on the giveaway and haven't read yesterdays post yet, please do. I'm waiting to hear from you!

I'm starting today with a much needed hair appointment, so I'm going to grab my favorite Yeti™ travel mug and fill it with my morning coffee. I have to run, but I'll be back tomorrow. I'll be working on these guys when I get home.



  1. We also woke up to snow, but not as much as you got.
    It turned cold very fast!
    Mmmmmm, the baking looks delicious.
    Those Froggies are so cute!

    1. Hi Marilyn:
      I won't tell you what I kept saying every time Handsome walked into the studio and I looked up to see more snow falling. Let's just say it wasn't exactly child-friendly. I'm glad most of it has melted. I'm already not looking forward to more. sigh Baking bread was just the warm project I needed, and the frogs just keep making me smile. Thanks, dear.

  2. Replies
    1. Hi Sandi:
      I really wish we had "smell-a-vision" so I could really share with you!

  3. Yum to both the bread AND the onion pie! I'd certainly be more than willing to help you eat both. And now I have that verse 'a froggie would a wooing go' stuck in my head (wonder why!)

    1. Hi MA:
      I'm really a fan of onion pie. So simple to make - my recipe is homemade crust filled with onions and swiss cheese. Bake. Couldn't be easier and it's really tasty! I wish you could be here to enjoy, too! I'm laughing at your earworm. I had a song from the Marine Band concert stuck in my head for most of a week!

  4. Sherry of createology: Your breads and onion pie look so delicious. You rival the finest bakery dear. Your Wee Froggies will soon be jumping to new homes. Cold here…long pants, sweaters and slippers.

    1. Hi Sherry:
      You're so kind, dear. I do enjoy working in the kitchen - more so when I don't have a project with a deadline. I must say, I'm not really missing the November Craft Show. I still get tired as I heal, and just don't have "production mode" in me right now. I'm looking forward to sending off the first batch of frogs, and then starting more! I've been in fall attire for a couple weeks, and always change into sweats late day for extra warmth. I fear this winter will be a long one, unless I stay extra busy.

  5. I'm guessing the last two dinner rolls are behind the loaves, just giving 'someone' the benefit of the double, I know fat chance.
    And how great that one of the frogs is really going across the pond.

    1. Hi Shirley:
      Yes. Behind the loaves. Let's go with that. lol I also like that one frog is going all the way to Surrey - my birthplace. Seems fitting, don't you think?

  6. Oh yum! That pie looks delicious and of course the bread... nothing like homemade!

    1. Hi Jillayne!
      The pie is so simple to make. I always make the crust from scratch, but then all you do is thinly slice the onions and layer with grated Swiss cheese. Bake until it's golden brown and the onions are softened. It's great as a side dish or even as a main course. Thanks so much for leaving a note for me!


Thank you so much for leaving a comment today. I'm using new settings on my comments so that I'll be able to respond to your messages to me. Be sure to come back to see my replies!

Blessings, Donna