November 25, 2023

Sharing A Gluten-Free Dessert Recipe...

Jamieson House, Poynette, WI

I went to this restaurant decades ago. It was a bed and breakfast upstairs and wonderful Victorian restaurant downstairs. I was working in Portage as a paralegal and office manager. My boss' nephew asked me out and took me to this place. Dinner was a pure delight. Everything meal offering was a delight and I never forgot it. 

As far as I've been able to tell, Jamieson House has been closed since 2009, however they were featured in an issue of Victoria Magazine around the time Handsome and I were planning our wedding. I saved the article and recipes, and their Devonshire Cream became the dessert for our reception, instead of a wedding cake. We gave our venue the recipe, along with raspberries we'd frozen from our own garden to make into the topping. It was perfect for us, and I still make it from time to time.

When searching for a gluten-free dessert to make for last night's meal, I went back to my own recipe binders, thinking I might make Devonshire Cream. I decided to review the other recipes that were part of that magazine article and found a perfect dessert...Raspberry Torte. No flour whatsoever, so by its ingredient list it was a gluten-free dessert before people even thought about such things. 

It was served last night and became an instant hit. Our daughter-in-law said it was her new favorite dessert. Our grandson wondered what I did to make it so moist, and I told him I simply followed the recipe. Because I know there are likely readers who also require (or prefer) gluten-free eating, I'm going to share this recipe with you. If you make it, I hope you'll let me know what you think.

Jamieson House Raspberry Torte Recipe. Click on the image to enlarge and save.


  1. Sherry of createology: Oh it does sound very good. Although after Thanksgiving eating my tummy is still full. Maybe for Christmas I will make this. Hubby loves Raspberries. Devonshire Cream sounds delicious also. Very cool today with bright Sunshine!

    1. Dear Sherry:
      I'll definitely make it again for Christmas! I'll share the Devonshire Cream recipe soon. I top that one with raspberries, too! I can take almost any sort of temperature, as long as the sun shines.
      Wishing you a restful Sunday, dear.

  2. Mmmmm - you had me at raspberries. Unfortunately the Resident Chef hates them so I rarely get them in any form. He grew up with his mother growing acres of them and of course the kids all got conscripted to do all the picking. He's hated them ever since.

    1. Hi MA:
      I'm sure it would be just as delicious with a lemon or strawberry reduction. Let me know if you try it! Tell Resident Chef I used to work in a bakery. Wouldn't touch pastries for at least a decade. I finally got over it. (Not sure that was a victory! lol)
      Happy Sunday, dear.

  3. Oh this sounds good. I'll glad it was a hit for the holiday.

    1. Hi Shirley:
      I'll definitely make it again for Christmas. I had to substitute pans this time, but found exactly what I want online. I think I may edit this post to add the link.
      Enjoy your Sunday, dear.

  4. That is a beautiful building.
    Thanks for the recipe, it sounds delicious!

    1. Hi Marilyn:
      It was a beautiful place. I think it would make an awesome home if it were converted back. Next time I'm over that way, I'm going to see if there is a business in there anymore. The only information I could find was that "Jamieson House" closed in 2009. It's a shame because it really was a wonderful restaurant. Let me know if you try the recipe.


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Blessings, Donna