November 15, 2023

Batch One Complete...


I've completed the first batch of frogs and they're ready to hop to new homes. I deeply apologize for missing my mailing goal due to current family circumstances, but they will go out today.

Two of these are free-standing frogs, one is a brooch, and the last one is the blue frog scissors fob. I've already started another that will be completely different for Clara, but I'm not going to share that one for a while.

Today, I have to sew up a commission as we all await regular updates from our nieces. My sister is back home and under hospice care. The hospice nurse said it won't be long, and we're doing our best to cope with the news. We're all so glad that she will be in her own bed when she's called home. She wanted that more than anything. In the meantime, I'm keeping my hands and mind occupied, or I'd be constantly crying. My sisters and I are doing our best to support our nieces as they come to terms with the imminent passing of their dear mother. We're fortunate to all have each other to get through this.

I'm off to get my morning cuppa and then I'll be in my studio. I have packaging and posting to do, after which I'll be sewing for a bit. Please hug your loved ones and tell them you care. It can all change in the blink of an eye.


  1. The Froggies are all so cute.
    Continued prayers for your family.
    Take care.

  2. Donna - please don't feel bad that you didn't meet your goal. Family is much more important and you need to be with them and also spend time dealing with yourself. Frogs can wait!!

  3. The frogs are incredibly cute! And, so, so true how everything can change in the blink of an eye! Continued prayers!

  4. These frogs get more amazing every time I see them.
    My continued prayers to you all.


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Blessings, Donna