November 27, 2023

Do A Little Dance...

Make a little frog... (Are you humming Casey and the Sunshine Band, "Get Down Tonight" yet? Sorry. I couldn't resist.)

I still have to turn the wee frog into a scissors fob, which I'll do today. Most of Sunday was spent baking. I made white chocolate chip scones for breakfast, and mixed up a batch of brownie mix to have on hand. I took all the dry ingredients used to make brownies and made a huge batch. When I want to make a batch of brownies in the future, I just scoop a measure of the mix and add the wet ingredients to pop into the oven. (I didn't bake brownies today, though.) Then I baked bread. When everything was cleaned up and dinner was in the oven, I sat down to stitch a bit.

I managed to add quite a bit to my Autumn Strawberry project, but I have a lot more to add, to create a lush fall floral design. This is shaping up nicely, though, in my humble opinion.

Handsome has a dermatology procedure today (my fair-skinned Swede), so I'll be taking along my needlework to keep me occupied while I wait. I'll share my progress when I see you again on Wednesday. Tag will be here tomorrow. What are you up to this week?


  1. I heard that song yesterday & am still singing it!
    The Strawberry is coming along beautifully.
    Today I am adding ornaments to the tree, most are stitched :)

    1. Hi Marilyn:
      I bet your tree will be gorgeous! Glad you heard the song beforehand. You probably picked up on my reference right away! lol

  2. Oh, thanks for getting that song stuck in my head today...LOL! All your needlework is so lovely! Hope you fair-skinned Love doesn't require too much work and the drs are thorough! (Ahh, the sun. Such a blessing...and such a curse for we fair-skinned people. 🙄) The plan is to be knee deep in Christmas projects this week. Many years ago when I read about your "Grammie jammies" I absolutely fell in love with the idea! So... 6 years ago when I became a Grammie, I started making those, too! 😊 Thank you for such a cute idea!

    1. Hi, Lois:
      You know I'm giggling right now, right? (about the song) Thanks for the compliment, dear. Handsome did really well today. Only took one minor carving from the doctor, and once they knew they got all the margins, they were finished. It still hurt once the sedation wore off. Poor guy.
      I LOVE that I inspired you to make Grammie's Jammies for your little. At 22, 19, and 17, ours come to expect them now. I'll be cutting out my fabrics soon, too.

  3. Thanks for the ear worm (you're SUCH an enabler!!). I love the colours you're using in your latest needlework project - very autumn-like which is what I know you are going for.
    My RC has had several spots removed over the years too and he likes to say that every time he goes to the dermatologist that he gets 'slap happy with his spray can'. His dr. believes in removing everything that even looks like it might become a problem down the road.
    As for what I'm doing - this morning I'm wrestling with PayPal and trying to order some sewing patterns. PayPal, as per usual, is being a grump about the whole thing and flatly refusing to accept my money.

    1. Hi MA:
      You're so welcome, dear. lol I am, aren't I? I showed my hoop to Handsome today and he said he's liking my color choices, too. That darn spray can. I know what you mean. Handsome wanted one spot looked at after they did the other procedure, and the doc zapped it (on his forehead). By the time we got home, he had a ripper of a headache. I felt so bad for him. Paypal can be a pain for me, too. It's always something. Dang. Hope you get it sorted out.

  4. Sherry of createology: This is a lovely Wee Froggie. Very elegant in Green and Gold. Your kitchen must have smelled wonderful. Prayers and Healing Energy for Handsome. Happy Stitching Dear.

    1. Hi Sherry:
      Kitchen smelled heavenly. I was tired. I've been putting my grief into activity. I'm taking care of my health so I won't get "stress sick", but I'm sleeping at night because I get so tired during the day. When I'm upset, I sleep. It's always been that way. Handsome did better than expected today. Not too long in the chair, and only one bandage. Hope he feels better soon. (He got stitches on his handsome face. frown) More stitching for me today, and I'm hoping to finish my Autumn Strawberry soon.

  5. I didn't even scroll past the caption and the song was in my head.
    Hope all goes well with the appointment.
    That is going to be one gorgeous strawberry.

    1. Hi, Shirley:
      Gotcha! lol Handsome's appointment went better than expected. They got the margins on the first try, so they stitched him up and had me bring him home. By the time we were in our driveway, he was feeling the procedure and looking for a painkiller. He took it really easy the rest of the day - Donna's Orders. Thanks, too. I'm hoping to finish the strawberry in the next day or so.


Thank you so much for leaving a comment today. I'm using new settings on my comments so that I'll be able to respond to your messages to me. Be sure to come back to see my replies!

Blessings, Donna