June 1, 2023

More Work...


Thanks to a certain elder Labrador who wanted to spend all her time running around on my planting beds, I had to figure out a creative way to keep her off them. I told Handsome I didn't want to try to drive posts into the rocky soil, so this is what I devised. Lattice and posts that sit on the ground (for now).

We worked for part of the morning over the weekend, and yes MA, I overdid it without even knowing it. I started to feel queasy, and recognized immediately that I needed to get out of the sun and heat. This feeling happened to me once in Florida while Handsome and I were riding our Harleys. I managed to get a signal to Handsome and we pulled into a Walgreens parking lot. Once inside, the pharmacist came to the front, recognized that I was suffering from heat stroke, made me sit on the floor, and brought ice cold water bottles for me to put against my carotid arteries in my neck. A half hour later, I was well enough to drive the ten more minutes home. I was feeling that same way on Monday.

Handsome brought ice to me, and then I doused my head with 55º well water. We went indoors where I rested for the balance of the day. We didn't go back out to complete the garden fence setup until yesterday. I went out early, and only stayed out for about 30 minutes. I've learned my lesson for this year!

Anyway, the garden is fenced now, and I proceeded to plant more seeds. I added sweet peas, regular peas, bush beans and a few unplanted marigolds.
I have lettuce growing in one side of my elevated troughs, and it appears that my lemongrass won't be coming back this year. I've been advised by a friend to remove the plastic junction boxes that I've planned to use for composting bins. I'm taking that under advisement for now and will decide soon whether to remove them. Something about the plastic being toxic. I'm doing a little more research.

This side of the planter has garlic and onions. I also planted onion sets in one of my fabric potato/onion bags, and have three more to plant. One more with onions, and the other two will be filled with potatoes.

I'm going to Larsen today to stitch with the Sewcial Sisters. Tomorrow will be load-in for the Purge and Splurge Sale event at Primitive Gatherings, and Saturday will be the big sale. There are over thirty tables so I suspect there will be some awesome items for sale. I know I've got a lot! My tables will be overflowing! I'm even going to sell the white cotton version of the "Princess Bride" wedding gown I made for my niece. It would be perfect for a Renaissance Fair or even a summer wedding! It's going to be a fun sale, for sure!

Well, I'm going to close for now. Lots to do when I get home, but I need to get on the road so I'm not late!


  1. Your gardens look awesome.
    I hope the critters stay away!
    Something bit of the shoots on my Coral Bella & uprooted my Sunflowers. :(
    I sprinkled some Cayenee hoping that will help.

    1. Hi Marilyn:
      Thanks! Oh, no! I'm sorry you've had munchers in your garden. I hope no one bothers mine, now that I can keep Bella out of it! Hope your cayenne pepper works!

  2. I'm glad you got some cold water for your heatstroke.
    It was very hot out there yesterday!
    Take care.

    1. Hi Again-
      Me, too! It was hot again today, so I was definitely careful. I'm not taking any more chances.

  3. Your beds look great. If you need some temporary fence support, you might check if your local farm store has "step in" posts. These are plastic post with metal pointy ends normally used for electrical fencing but I have used them with lightweight wire and plastic fencing to deter the critters successfully. I am glad you were able to get the heatstroke under control quickly. Take care - Kathy

    1. Hi Kathy:
      Thanks for the recommendation. I'll definitely look for them. Thanks also for your concern. I'm back to normal (for me, anyway. lol), and will be more careful in the future.

  4. I had heatstroke once when I was in my teens (haven't picked raspberries since!) and it's not something I want to repeat. So glad there was a helpful pharmacist nearby that knew what to do. I can't be outside in the sun for very long because I break out in itchy little blisters so I tend to head for the shade if I possibly can. It's going to be a warm one here today and I plan to spend most of it indoors with the fans on. Take care of you!

    1. Hi MA:
      I agree. No fun at all. How quickly I forgot! Heatstroke is really ugly. People who run their dogs on leads attached to their bicycles need to stop doing that, too. They can run non-stop like that. They're meant to stop and snuffle all the good smells along the way. I'm hoping people are smart enough not to take them along in this heat. It sounds like you really need to be careful, so for once, I can say to you "Take care of you, my friend."

  5. Sherry of createology: Heatstroke is very dangerous. I have had it too many times and it is very scary. Glad you got out of the heat and sun. Happy selling and may you bring home nothing but a lot of moolah! I keep frozen washcloths in my freezer for anytime I might be in the heat too long…and in a cooler when traveling…along with frozen water bottles. Lesson Learned!

    1. Hi Sherry:
      I may just follow your lead and put a few washcloths in the freezer. Especially since we don't have air conditioning in the farmhouse (except when we haul out the window units, and I'm getting too old for that!). I actually sold some things before the official start time! I hope the trend continues Saturday. I agree. I don't want to bring stock back home. Have a great Saturday, girlfriend.

  6. Sun and heat are not my friend either, I would just get so involved in what I was doing and not
    even realize until it was too late.
    Garden looks great.

    1. Hi Shirley:
      That's kind of what happened to me. I wasn't paying close enough attention, being more intent on the task at hand. I'll definitely do better from now on.
      Thanks, dear.


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Blessings, Donna