February 28, 2023

Tuesdays With Tag - Just Two Words...


 Hi, Everybody!

Those two words are...stoopid cat!

Used to be a guy could curl up on Mom's lap for a quick, cuddly afternoon kip, but not anymore. As soon as I doze off, Madame Meows A Lot jumps up and practically throws her big butt right on top of me! She's got no respect whatsoever!

She hangs out just long enough to disturb my peaceful snooze, and then she bounces off on her merry way again. One silver linin' though is that Crystal Heavy stays upstairs all the time and doesn't bother me in the least. Even so, I'm lookin' forward to milder weather so I can toss both their tails back to the barn. 

That day can't come soon enough for me, and even Bella is actin' squirrely around Claudette. They sniff noses, and then Boo assumes the play stance. Cat just tosses her head in the air and walks away. It is kind of fun to watch.

Let's see, now. Snow all last weekend and yesterday was freezin' rain. As a result, there were really no adventures for this week. Mom was gonna take us for a fun ride until the weather canceled her plans. We only went outside when we had to, and only for as long as it took to do our business. Then, right back to the house where we were all warm and cozy. There are lots of reasons why we'll all be glad when the weather breaks and spring is in the air. Time for a new season, I think. 

I'll see you again in seven. 'til then... 
"Be A Good Dog."


  1. I'm sorry kitty steals your spot, but sounds like she doesn't stay long.
    Yes, Mom is just being safe, there's a lot of ice out there too.
    Get cozy & take a nap.

    1. Hi Miss Marilyn:
      She is a pushy cat. She's not afraid of Bella or me. I tried, "Raaaahrrr", and that didn't even work. sigh We're makin' sure Mom's careful, and glad it's all meltin' today.

  2. You're right in saying that spring can't come soon enough. How nice of you to share your lap space with a kitty. Just think - you're both helping to keep Mom warm so that's a good thing.

    1. Hi Miss MA:
      We're lookin' forward to runnin' on grass again. Carly will be back by then, too. Fun times! I'm not really sharin'. C-Cat is mostly takin'. You're right, though. We even leave extra fur behind to keep her warm when we're not on her lap. lol

  3. Oh Tag it sounds like you are having it a bit rough this week with the cat and the weather. Hope that soon spring will arrive and things will look up for you. Hugs!

    1. Hi Miss Debbie:
      Things are definitely lookin' up. It was sunny and all melty today. I even found some open trails in the yard to do my bizness without gettin' stuck in the snow! That's always a good thing. We're all waitin' on spring, too. Thanks for the visit.

  4. Sherry of createology: Tag you are so lovable and cuddly it is no wonder Crystal loves to snuggle with you…she just can’t tell you so. Cats are very independent so you never know exactly what they are thinking or doing. Stay the course dear and Spring will be here soon…I hope. Smooches.

    1. Hi Miss Sherry:
      I think it would be awesome if both those cats kept their thoughts (and paws) to themselves. I guess as long as nobody tries to smack me, I can tolerate them. We're thinkin' about doin' some kind of "Spring dance" to get it here sooner. It could work!

  5. Oh dear boy, look on the bright side, when a cat chooses you, that's as good as being royalty.
    Obviously that girl has great taste. We have a snow day here today.

    1. Hi Miss Shirley:
      Well, I am the Queen's breed, after all. (We don't talk about the British bull dogs) She's makin' a real habit of climbin' all over me now. I guess if you can't beat 'em...


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Blessings, Donna