February 25, 2023

Saturday and More Snow...

Sleeping Hickory Hill Farm Apple and Hickory Trees
We all woke up to more snow this morning. By the time Andy had finished our other neighborhood drives (he's such a great neighbor to all of us), I'd managed to clear our sidewalk and half of the concrete in front of our garage. It makes it easier for him to move the snow if it's not so close to the buildings.

We had at least two more inches, and now the sun is out to dry off much of what's been plowed. It also makes for a brighter outlook over grey and cloudy, so I'll happily celebrate that.

I'm spending a little time in the studio, and then I'm going to finish embroidering those teddy tummies for my nieces. Right now, I'm overrun with paper, fabric and other things in my studio, so although my mind says "Clean this mess up, girl!", my heart says, "It's okay. Save it for a cloudy day." Today, the heart wins.  

Seriously, weren't computers supposed to diminish the amount of paper we had to deal with? It seems I have more than I ever had before, and I don't really like it. I think I'll need to add purging unnecessary paper to my "purge list", too. Tomorrow. 


  1. I'm ready to throw in the towel over the snow even though we have had (shhhhh) a pretty easy winter so far.
    I've often wondered at the amount of paper that we seem to generate and I think there's more than ever before. I remember when computers became widely available them being touted as being the harginger of a paperless society.

  2. More Snow. Friday we had ice, heavy wind and no power for seven and a half hours. We have a generator so all was good. Snow today, about two inches. Have a wonderful rest of the weekend.

  3. Thank goodness for Andy! You are fortunate to have such a kind neighbor. Bonnie

  4. We woke up to another 3" yesterday.
    We are fortunate it's not more.
    CA had a huge dumping of snow.


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Blessings, Donna