February 26, 2022


Created by The Woolen Wagon

This was me for much of the day yesterday. Not actually sleeping, but giving the studio a rest. Instead, I did a few obligatory housekeeping chores, cleared our front walkway (we got a lot of snow last night) while Handsome ran a few errands, and spent time with him and the furbutts after he got back home. 

Thanks to Andy plowing out the driveway, all that was left to clear of the snow and ice was our front walkway. Yes. There's still ice on the driveway, but much of it close to the house melted once the sun came out. By afternoon, all our walkway was dry with no ice, and I know we and our pets who frequently use it are grateful.

I'll be planning my next project over the weekend, so you'll have to wait until Monday to see what I choose. In the meantime, I've got critters waiting for my attention, and then a few errands of my own to run. Coffee first, and then off to the races again.

Have a great weekend!


  1. Love, love, love that Squirrel!
    We have a lot of ice here also from when it sleeted the other day.
    Hard to shovel because you don't know where to step so that you don't fall.

  2. Such a cute squirrel with his/her tail keeping her warm. Glad to hear the ice is dissipating.
    (btw - think the previous comment is spam! There's been a bunch of it again lately)

  3. Such a sweet little squirrel curled up to rest and stay warm. A good thing to do on a cold snowy day. Enjoy your weekend dear.


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Blessings, Donna