February 4, 2022

Absolutely Nothing...

A Relaxing Day

That's what I did Thursday...absolutely nothing. I took the day off. I did spend time in the studio, but I read, I enjoyed my cuppa tea, and I sorted through my fibers. No heavy lifting.

This week, I've baked bread, cleaned the studio, met my declutter goal for January (thanks, Di!), and did a little housework and bookkeeping. I also created and shipped an order, and updated a few shop listings. So, I was ready to take a little break.

I'm thinking that baking cookies (for my Handsome Cookie Monster) is in order today. Perhaps Valentine-themed treats would be appropriate? I think it would be a nice way to roll into the weekend. Gosh! Friday already? Off to grab my morning coffee. The Barn Girls are waiting...


  1. Sometimes we all need a day off to just relax & unwind.
    Need to bake something too.
    I like the oven on when it's so cold outside.
    Have a fun day relaxing!

    1. Hi Marilyn:
      The kitchen was warm, the sun shone in the windows (intermittently, between the snowfall), and cookies were the tasty result! I'd love to know if you baked, too!

  2. I often plan a 'do nothing day' and look forward to it greatly. Until....I actually start into one and then realize that after about an hour I'm beyond bored and totally antsy to DO something...anything....and that generally leads to going back to sewing.

    1. Hi MA:
      I understand completely! That's me, too! Of course, sometimes a nap helps with that. lol
      Happy Weekend!

  3. A day of no pressure is a very good thing. I’m sure your cookies are delicious. Happy Friday Dear…

    1. Hi Sherry:
      I couldn't agree more. I had one of the cookies for dessert after dinner last night. Yum! The vanilla/almond extract combination really is tasty.
      Happy Weekend, my friend.


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Blessings, Donna