February 7, 2022

A Stitch Here, A Stitch There...

Progress On My Embroidery Piece

I said I'd work on my embroidery Sunday, and that's exactly what I did. The sun shone in the dining room windows, and I parked myself in a comfortable chair with my supplies close at hand.

I have a few things left to do on this piece, and then I'll be doing a little something different to finish it. I'll share my final piece on Wednesday. I'll have it done in time for Valentine's Day, in case you wanted a little hint.

Tag will be back tomorrow, but I have to tell you a little tale out of school. I had Tag outside yesterday, and watched as Claudette trotted over to say hello to us. She sat at my feet as Tag snuffled around the yard, and waited for him to come back to me. 

Once he got close, she actually scampered the five feet between then, just to take a swat at him! He barked and growled at her as he sidestepped out of her reach. Then, he made for the porch. He'd had enough of Kitty Puss. She ran along after him and flopped down on the porch while he stood there watching. She wanted to play with him, but he'd have none of it. It was quite the sight, and I couldn't help but giggle.

I'm sure Tag isn't going to tell you about all this tomorrow. He'd rather forget the entire, unfortunate incident. lol


  1. beautiful embroidery!
    Funny story about Tag.

    1. Thank you, dear Marilyn.
      I laughed out loud watching the drama unfold between those two. Glad you liked the story.

  2. Donna, such beautiful embroidery! I love all the colors, just gorgeous! I can't wait to hear Tag's version of the story tomorrow! :)

    1. Thank you so much, Sherri. I have fun playing with these feminine colors. Tag always has something to say. lol

  3. here a stitch, there a stitch, everywhere a stitch stitch....
    (sorry, but you know how my brain works!!).
    Tag obviously needs lessons in how to play with a kitty.

    1. Hi MA:
      I'm giggling. A girl after my own heart. (My brain works the same way!) I think Tag would really like to play with her, but Claudette is a little "multiple personality". Most times she just wants to hang out with him. The rest of the time, she wants to slap him around. She's hilarious, and so is Tag's reactions. I love it.

  4. Your embroidery is stunning. However you finish it will be perfect. Tag would love playing and rolling around the porch with Kitty Puss…if he knew how sweet kitties really are.

    1. Hi Sherry:
      Thank you, dear. I keep trying to tell Tag that, but it's hard to overcome a paw coming at him. It's really kind of funny to see how a cat can intimidate a dog with so little effort. She's so sweet with me, so maybe they'll get past this by summer.


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Blessings, Donna