June 2, 2020

Tuesdays With Tag - Five Weeks Old...

Brynwood Needleworks - Taggart

Hi, Everybody!!

The puppies turned five weeks old yesterday, and I've got pictures for you!!
You're gonna scream, they're so cute.

Brynwood Needleworks - Bella's Five Week Old Puppies

How would you like to be greeted by these mugs first thing every day? Wouldn't you just squeal with delight? Mom said she sure would. Dad saw these pictures and turned into a puddle of mush. Really!

Brynwood Needleworks - Bella's Five Week Old Puppies

They're lookin' like real dogs now! Their little waxy flaps look like real ears now - even though they're not standin' straight up like mine. They've got long waggers, too, just like their mama. How many different ways are there to say "cute"?

Brynwood Needleworks - That Face!

That little guy is almost as handsome as his Uncle Tag. Look at that face!! He's gonna be a real lady killer.

Brynwoo Needleworks - Breakfast Time For The Puppies

I'm wonderin' if these guys (and dolls) are part Corgi. Look at 'em belly up to the snack bar. No shy kids here. Keep after it, babies. You need to grow big and strong to wrastle with me!

Brynwood Needleworks - Tag's Gotta Run

I don't know about you, but I just can't stand any more puppy sweetness today. I'm gonna run...
I'll see you again in seven. 'til then...
"Just Do It...but not on the rug."


  1. Bella's puppies are all so beautiful.
    How can you keep just one? :)

  2. Tag I still think you are the cutest ever! The puppies are adorable now but they will grow up fast...especially eatin at the trough. Keep runnin so you can play when Bella and puppy are at Hickory Hill Farm with you. <3

  3. Tag I can see you're going to have ball playing with those little bundles of cuteness!!!!!


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Blessings, Donna