March 31, 2022

Little By Little...

I'm making Progress On My Petit Point Bouquet

I got all my tax paperwork assembled and posted to our tax accountant yesterday! Once my work was done, I still had daylight to play! Of course, I sat down at my embroidery frame to work on the petit point canvas. I'm taking your great advice, and working on this in segments to avoid overload.

It was overcast and rainy. The weather change causes my arthritis to flare up a bit, so I could only stitch for an hour or so before my hands hurt. It's okay. It's something I've learned to live with. I take a Tylenol and stitch a while. Then I stop and do something else - like read (which I also love).

I'm not sure what I'm going to do today. I'll decide after coffee, but one thing's for sure. I won't have to do anything tax-related for a while. Yippee.


  1. That's going to be a beautiful piece!
    The weather is too cold for Spring!
    They predicted 90% snow for today! Really?

    1. Hi Marilyn-
      What a white yukky surprise when I woke up! Ugh.
      Come on, Spring!!

  2. Yay for seeing the backside of taxes! I love days that aren't planned and you can go where the spirit moves you. Enjoy it!

    1. Hi MA-
      I’m with you! Glad to have them in the mail. It was a nice day to stitch today. Perhaps I’ll bake tomorrow.
      Thanks for your note!

  3. The black really is allowing the details to show their best. Yes…one stitch at a time will get the job done. Happy Weekend Dear.


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Blessings, Donna