March 29, 2022

Tuesdays With Tag - I'm Walkin' In Sunshine...

Tag, The Magnificent

 Hi, Everybody!

Today, you get to see pictures of my little romp out into the wilderness. It was a perfect day for walkabout.

Nothin' Better Than Field Snufflin'

Mom put on her warm jacket and we headed out to explore the north field. Even though the ground was a little soft, it sure didn't bother me. Mom walked on the corn leaves to she didn't get all muddy. There were lots of great smells for my discernin' olfactory to pick up.

Me And My Shadow

Even though no one was in sight when we left the house, it didn't take long for me to smell Claudette followin' me in the corn rows. I didn't care, 'cuz I was mostly way out in front of her, and she stuck close to Mom. 

I think she was tryin' to trip Mom, actually, as she was right underfoot, and practically blockin' her path. As long as she left me alone for a while (and she didn't make Mom fall down), it was okay with me.

Can You Spot The Little 

Even Crystal joined the party, but she stayed in the treeline. She didn't think I saw her, but nothin' gets past me. Can you see her in the picture? Look close. She's there!

Walkin' My Kitty Back Home

When it was time to turn for home, Claudette bounced out of the field so she could rub up against me and let me know she was there. I just kept doin' my thing and mostly ignorin' her. 

As our walk came to an end, Dad greeted us in the yard, and he watched all four of us walk back to the house. It was a nice, little jaunt, and I hope we can do it again soon. It's not likely to be today, 'cuz it's supposed to rain...buckets. (Come on. You didn't really think I was gonna say cats and dogs, did you?)

Now that my blog title and pictures have you hummin' one song or another, I'll leave you to it. Everybody ought to have a song in their heart, right? Right! Keep your powder dry. I'll be back soon.

I'll see you again in seven. 'til then... 
"Been There, Chewed That!"


  1. Glad you got in some good sniffs Tag!
    Cute how the cats follow.

    1. Hi Miss Marilyn:
      I snuffled everything! Mom had to let me know she was serious about goin' back home, otherwise I'd have just kept on goin'. I didn't even mind havin' an entourage! lol They're like groupies, I tell ya.

  2. Walking in sunshine is the best! Glad you had company on your stroll. Today the sun is shining here too but tomorrow we're supposed to be getting freezing rain....yuck!

    1. Hi Miss MA:
      It sure is! We can't wait for warmer temps so we can all hang around outside. We're gettin' a little cabin fever these days, so this walk was THE BEST!

  3. Tag I wish I was home and able to walk with you guys

    1. Hi Miss Shelly:
      We wish you were home, too. We really miss you. Therapy hard, so you can come home soon. Big hugs and Smooches!!
      Tag, Bella, Carly, Claudette, Crystal AND Leo!!

  4. Such a perfect day for a walkabout. Tag you are simply a handsome Corgi magnet for Claudette and Crystal. Happy week ahead.

    1. Hi, Miss Sherry!
      It really was. The next day was rainin' and crummy. I am a magnet, aren't I? snort
      Big Smooches,


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Blessings, Donna