July 3, 2020

Strawberry Jam...

Brynwood Needleworks - Our Kitchen Window View

Every morning brings another beautiful view from our farmhouse. The hollyhocks continue to open, now sporting five different colors. Where I thought there were only a buttery yellow, there is also a very pale peach, and then these beauties. Don't they make you smile? I can't look at them without feeling happy.

Brynwood Needleworks - Strawberry Jam

The temps got into the high 80s again, so I got creative for our canning process. I have that lovely, big, electric Ball™ Water Bath Canner, so I took it out onto the porch and plugged it in for the final step in making the strawberry jam. All the water bath steam stayed outdoors. Everything else was done in the house.

When all was said and done, there were nine half pint jars and six pint jars of strawberry goodness. We'll certainly have jam until this time next year. I'm only planning to make raspberry jam yet this summer, as we have plenty of leftover grape, strawberry/rhubarb, lemon balm, and crabapple jelly to last a while. I didn't make the Cowboy Candy yesterday, so I'll probably do that over the weekend. When I've made that, I'll share my recipe with you, in case you'd like to make your own.

Brynwood Needleworks - Busy Little Hummingbirds
While I stood stirring the jam in the pot, I watched the industrious, little hummingbirds returning to the feeders. From the looks of this feeder, it's their favorite. I'm going to have to refill it today. 

I'll be weeding in the garden first thing today, and then Handsome and I will tackle the grass again. Man, it grows quickly when it's hot and sunny. If we don't mow today, we may need to bale it!

I hope you have a safe and happy holiday weekend. We'll be staying close to home. It's where we love to be.


  1. Mmmmm, all that jam looks delicious!
    We love to watch the Hummies also.
    We'll stay home & grill out tomorrow.
    Have a great 4th!

  2. Your yard is so beautiful Donna, the hollyhocks and hummingbirds; I'd be sitting among them all day. Your jam is making my mouth water!! Have a great holiday week-end, stay safe!!

  3. I'm always so impressed with all the canning you do. Our local farm stand didn't open this year which is very disappointing - it's where I always got my strawberries and blueberries. I know there is another blueberry place not too far and recently heard it's open, so hopefully I'll be able to freeze some for the winter. The new pup is so beautiful - what a fun addition to your home. Love your hollyhocks - they are magnificent.


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Blessings, Donna