July 25, 2020

One More Day...

Brynwood Needleworks - Healing
Friday, I decided to lay low one more day. While I'm on limited activity (and no lifting for four weeks), I'll be back to a more normal life as of today. I stayed in bed yesterday to get out from under the meds, and simply rested. 
I read my Sydney Rye book #13, Blind Vigilance, and will look forward to her next installment (not due until 2021! eeek!). I slept, and Handsome took care of me. Tag stayed close by all day, too.  It was a perfectly restful day, spent healing.

I plan to actually get dressed today, and will be upright and stitching, I just have to remember that I can't do some of the things I might usually do. I'll be careful. I hope the rest of you have a good, restful weekend, too!



  1. Hope you heal fast & feel better soon.

  2. Glad you're being good and allowing yourself the time to heal (and glad that you have such good caregivers too). Take care of you!

  3. Healing Energy continues for you dear. May you feel better than new in record time.


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Blessings, Donna