July 9, 2020

I Guess This Answers That Question...

Brynwood Needleworks - Bella Yesterday Morning
Friends have been asking me how Bella likes being back home. I walked into the living room yesterday morning to find her sound asleep on the sofa. (She opened her eyes and lifted her head when I went to take her picture.)

Brynwood Needleworks - Bella Yesterday Evening
By the end of the day, she'd managed to work her way down to the other end. Don't worry. There was playing with her daughter, eating two square meals, and running around outside sprinkled around her lounging activities.
I guess you can see for yourself that Her Highness is pleased as punch to be back home. We're more than slightly happy to have her back, too!


  1. Bella is so pretty.
    I'm sure she's thrilled to be back with her loved ones.

  2. Such gorgeous (and handsome!) dogs! Glad they are all doing well!


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Blessings, Donna