January 2, 2020

My Inspiration Word for 2020 Is...

Brynwood Needleworks - 2020 Inspiration Word
I've chosen this word as my inspiration/theme for 2020 for a number of reasons. First, the most obvious definition is "to finish". I have so many UFOs sitting in the studio that I frustrate at having to maneuver around them. It's time to categorize them, move them into a lineup, and get them "completed". First up will be my beautiful butterfly project from my class in Kentucky with the Royal School of Needlework.
Another definition has to do with feeling fulfilled and whole. I couldn't love where Handsome and I are in life more than I do now. Our family and dear, old friends are around us. We have wonderful new friends, and even new family members! I'm content and blessed, and it's important to always remember those facts.
Complete also has to do with mastering or mastery. This is where I'm reminded that I still have much to learn, and that is only accomplished through practice and diligence. More good lessons.
I know you can probably think of more great definitions/synonyms for the word "Complete" (I can, and may share them another time), but these are just a few to explain how I came to this word this year. Do you choose an inspirational word each year? If you do, I'd love to know what it is. How do you plan to put it into action?
I'll be back tomorrow to show you a few things I've completed already this year. Have a great day, and thanks again for stopping by!


  1. I like your 2020 Word very much. I do choose a word to help me navigate through a New Year and it is CLARITY. I shall be mindful of my life and all that I am Blessed with. I also wish to learn more and complete many projects. I know you will succeed in your quest to COMPLETE. 2020 Blessings Dear...<3

  2. Oh how funny.... I have the same word posted on my refrigerator for the new year.
    I did go with Complete. Completed. Completion.


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Blessings, Donna