August 23, 2019

Farmhouse Renovation - Porch Project - Day Eleven...

Brynwood Needleworks - More Stone Work
When Day Eleven began, the masons laid more stone as they waited for the cement truck to arrive on scene. Two of the guys worked on the east elevation (the former front staircase area), and one worked on the wall next to my kitchen garden.
Brynwood Needleworks - South Elevation Progress

The kitchen garden area closest to the porch is really taking a hit these days, but Mom's daisies will survive, and there's still plenty of lavender, hollyhocks, (and the birdbath) for the bees. 

The truck finally arrived, and the porch decking was poured. By the time I took this photo, the retaining boards had been removed because the concrete had set up enough. When I went outside with Handsome, I said the concrete looked great, but I wasn't sure I liked the wood trim underneath. (I know it's only part of the form, but I thought I'd tease the guys a bit.)

Before I could utter the last of my sentence, one of the guys turned to me and said, "Don't worry. We're gonna stain that when all the stone work is done." Well, played, my man. I laughed out loud and said, "Touche'! I should have known you'd be ready if I said anything." They're all so good-natured and fun. It's a pleasure to have them here - in addition to the stella work they're doing for us.

Brynwood Needleworks - East Elevation Progress
They got quite a lot done yesterday. The concrete was sprayed with a sealant before they left, and we were discussing how we're going to truly make this project ours. We have a couple of things we're going to add to the finished stonework, and I'll share that with you later. 

While the guys were outside working, I made another fifteen jars of Lemon Balm Jelly. That's all done now for this year. I still have tomatoes, and more strawberry/rhubarb pie filling to make, but first I'm going to make another big batch of zucchini & pepper relish. It's a big hit, so I'm making more to share with family and friends. That's today's project...after my morning coffee. Gotta run!



  1. The porch, your home is beautiful! Amazing progress, your builders are fabulous.


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Blessings, Donna