April 3, 2019

Happy Birthday, Tag...

Brynwood Needleworks - Brynwood's Taggart
I had many things planned for today, but as I sat down last night to contemplate today's post, a reminder popped up on my computer screen. Today is my beautiful boy's EIGHTH Birthday!

I'm so glad I set such reminders because I'd certainly hate to miss an important event such as this (and seeing as I remembered Bella's Birthday, Tag would never let me forget it if I forgot his)! So, in addition to getting out orders, mailing my anniversary gifts and beginning work on my quilt project, I'll be making a special treat, and giving some extra love and attention to my little, sawed-off dog.

Happy Eighth Birthday, Tag.
Thank you for all the laughter, joy (and sometimes, frustration) you bring into my life.
Love, "Mom"



  1. Happy Birthday Tag! Hope you get a lot of treats.

  2. Happy Woof Day Tag - enjoy your treats and special lovings today!

  3. Happy 8th Birthday Tag. I cannot believe it has been 8 years already. I love you and your mom and all your wonderful adventures you share with us! Happy Birthday to You...XO

  4. Have a wonderful birthday sweet TAG!! Sure do love all of your blogs too!!!!Many hugs!

  5. Happy Birthday! Enjoy checking out all the new spring smells.

  6. Happy Happy Birthday Tag! You're sure lookin' great for eight! Bailey & I send you lots of love!


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Blessings, Donna