April 24, 2019

Baking Bread...

Brynwood Needleworks - Farmhouse Baked Bread
I'm doing a few things this week in preparation for Handsome's return to the farmhouse. I'm flying out on Friday so I can see his last Florida performance for this season. That's on Sunday. We'll have him all packed, and then he, Bella and I will leave Monday morning to drive back together.

When we get home, I don't want to have to run out to the store for anything, so I'm making a meal that we can thaw once we get back, along with baked bread for sandwiches or a side for us to enjoy. The bread will go in the freezer, too. (It tastes just the same as fresh baked when it's only been in the freezer a short time.)

At my last bread class, I learned about making a preferment "poolish", that starts the process 12-15 hours before the bread is actually mixed, proofed and baked. Poolish is a mix of flour, water and yeast that is like a starter for the bread. It makes the dough wetter overall in the mixing process, resulting in a truly artisan bread. It adds a greater depth to the flavor, and the finished crust in truly amazing! Honestly, this is why I wanted to learn to make proper bread.

The outside crust is crispy and flaky, while the inside is chewy and spongy. There aren't all the big holes that you find in so many store-bought breads these days. There's nothing worse than a peanut butter and jelly sandwich that oozes out big, gaping holes while you're trying to eat it. Not with this bread, for sure!

I'm also doing laundry, a little spring cleaning, and getting out orders. When I'm not doing those things, I take a tea break and knit a bit. It's easier to pick up and put down than my needlework. The weather is beautiful, even with forecast rain in the near future, so I'm spending a little more time outdoors, too. 
I can't believe how many plants are already up in my kitchen garden! Chives, mint, phlox, Mom's daisies, tulips, grape hiacynths, lilies, and hollyhocks are already making their way skyward. It won't be long before I head to the nursery for basil, rosemary and a few other herbs.

I'll begin packing tomorrow, and make sure I don't forget everything Tag will need to head to the boarding kennel. They have a pool, but he has to prove he can swim before they'll put him into that playtime rotation. We're not worried. I seriously think he was the swimming-est Corgi in southwest Florida! 
He's getting his swim test Friday morning after I drop him off. Good thing he's got a buoyant butt. At least I won't ever have to pack a life vest for him. Makes me giggle just to think about it. They'll be amused by my boy, too! I'm just glad I can travel without fretting about his care.

So, I'm heading back to my tasks. Not a bunch to do, but a steady stream of small finishes before I leave. I'll see you again tomorrow. Have a great Wednesday!


1 comment:

  1. Your Artisan Bread does look delicious. I can almost smell and taste it fresh from the oven (or freezer) nice and warmed with butter. Safe travels to spend time at Handsome’s concert and then the drive home with H and Bella. Tag will have the entire Kennel staff in love with him and his amazing tricks and talents...such as swimming. Beautiful Weather and Completed Tasks Dear...


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Blessings, Donna