October 9, 2015

A Gift From Michelle...

Brynwood Needleworks - Michelle's Sunflower
Having creative friends is really a wonderful gift. I especially love when a mutual admiration for each other's talents opens hearts and doors to sharing those abilities.

My friend, Michelle Palmer recently created this scrumptious needle punch sunflower. Her needle punch skills, when combined with her drawings, results in the most glorious creations. This one was something I couldn't resist and I told her so.
Brynwood Needleworks - Donna's Strawberry Blossom Sachet
Michelle told me that she loved my strawberry sachets, so I made one especially for her...and then we traded. A gift for a gift.

Brynwood Needleworks - Michelle's Sunflower
When The Sunflower arrived, I couldn't believe how much more gorgeous it was up close. All the tiny loops created in the needle punch process, all perfectly sized from one to the next. Michelle's artwork turned into a needlework piece that took my breath away.

I'm certain that I fared better in this arrangement. I'm keeping this piece on my table where I can look at it often. as I contemplate what it should be...a cushion; a framed piece; part of something larger. I just don't know yet.
Brynwood Needleworks - Michelle's Sunflower and Card
Even the card she tucked in made me smile. I'm reminded of the farms of Wisconsin, and all the holstein cows that dot the countryside. I have a deep affection for them, and the card immediately brought back memories of our last home before we came to Florida. 

Everything about Michelle's gift warmed my heart. I'll treasure her needlework, and her card, for a long, long time to come. 

Thank you, my friend.
Thank you for the massive gift of your talent and time.
My heart is full.


  1. Lovely, lovely gifts, both of them.

  2. Michelle's beautiful needle punch Sunflower is truly a labor of love. Your beautiful Strawberry is truly a labor of love. I would say this was a wonderful swap of equally talented artist's Works of HeART. It is such a rewarding way to honor one another when no money is involved. Creative Bliss Indeed...


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Blessings, Donna