September 15, 2023

Update and a Sale...

I'm healing really really well. The doctor was extremely happy with my progress, while being cautious as we're only two weeks post-op. I'm going to continue to follow doctor's orders and, for those of you who want to know exactly what this is all about, I plan to tell you all the sordid details tomorrow. 

While I'm healing, I've decided to have a "Get Well Sale" in my Etsy shop. So, from now until OCTOBER 1st, you can save 35% an all purchases $30 or more. Just type in "BWSAVE35" at checkout and your savings will be reflected in your total. Click HERE or the link in my sidebar to go to my Etsy shop. ----> 

If you don't want details of the past three years, I'll see you back here on Sunday. Otherwise, for anyone who's interested, I'll tell all tomorrow. Happy Friday!


  1. Sherry of createology: Donna Dear I can read your JOY i your words! Healing is such good news. How very generous of you to have a Get Well Sale. Thank You. Keep resting…

    1. Dear Sherry:
      I really am happy! Thanks so much for your order, dear. I'll post it Saturday morning. I'll be getting lots more rest, too.
      Thanks again!

  2. Best news!
    Keep up the good work, by that I mean rest.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Hi Shirley:
      Thanks, dear. You can count on it! I'm not going to do anything to jeopardize my healing. Same to you!


Thank you so much for leaving a comment today. I'm using new settings on my comments so that I'll be able to respond to your messages to me. Be sure to come back to see my replies!

Blessings, Donna