September 30, 2023

Every Koi Needs A Pond...

Don't you agree? I went to Hobby Lobby yesterday morning in search of a bud/fish bowl so I could create a miniature koi pond for my wee fish. I headed straight to the floral section and found not one, but three different sizes. I opted for the middle size, declaring it "just right".

I also found a jar of fine gravel (or coarse sand, if you prefer) to place in the bottom of my bowl, but was unable to find small plastic greens there. I ended up getting those in the fish section at PetSmart. Before I left HobLob, I grabbed the supplies to put resin into my fish pond rather than water. I paid for my purchases and scooted home.

The bowl looks cloudy because (apparently) the resin off-gasses as it cures. I was able to test rubbing it off, and it will, so once it's completely set, I'll clean the inside of my bowl before placing my koi on top of the "water".

I was thinking I should do one more layer of resin that would fill about half of what's left, but Handsome thinks this is enough. I probably should have turned the bowl so you can see that there's a clear area around the other side for me to lay my fish. This side is where most of the greenery sits. He thinks the fish will look good nestled in the water plants, as a live one might do. Is he right again? 

It will take at least forty eight hours before I'll even attempt to place the koi in the bowl. Before then it will be tacky, and I don't want it stuck permanently to the surface. I will want to be able to remove it from time to time. I'm not going to put a pin back on my koi, either. Instead, I'll just have a flat back on it so it can sit flat on the surface of the resin/water. 

I spent about an hour last night releasing my fish from the hoop and ground fabric. It's finished and just waiting to take it's place in its own pond. Once it's all done, I'll show it to you again so you can tell me what you think. Oh, and let me know if you think Handsome is right, or whether you think I should add about another inch of resin. If I'm going to, it will have to be done today.

My last class session for Clara's class is this afternoon. I can't wait to share my completed fish, as well as my finishing technique. I hope they like it! 


  1. That's a great idea!
    It's going to be so cute.
    I think it looks good as is, it's enough resin.

  2. Great idea! I am wondering if it would be a thought to make another fish in reverse and stick the two together so they look complete from both sides (if that makes a lick of sense!!?). That way the viewer would see a complete fish from any vantage point.

  3. Brilliant. I think it may be enough resin. How about a dragonfly on the grasses? - Kathy

  4. Oh, my goodness, that's so clever!!! I can't wait to see it all put together with your lovely Koi sitting "in" the water. It can be tricky working with hubby on creative endeavors, especially when both are creative and have definite visions in their minds of what the completed project could be... My husband often jokes with me that I will go for the opposite of his opinion in such things and will sometimes give me his "opposite opinion" first just to see if I'm choosing opposite on purpose. He's so bad. (-; LOL! Looks like you two always seem to work well together! (-: Again, I can't wait to see it all together!

  5. Genius!
    Enough resin.

  6. You are so talented in making beautiful decorations! The koi is great, it will look so nice in the bowl. I think it is enough resin.

  7. Sherry of createology: You my dear are so very clever! Such a great idea to have your Koi in a pond.


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Blessings, Donna