September 28, 2023

Time Flies When You're Having Fun...

I just had to finish my koi's head yesterday. Then I added pearl purl to the fins and tail. I'll be filling in the fins and tail next, and then I'll be ready to add detail to the body. 
This is actually working out a bit faster than I expected, but I can say that I have approximately twelve hours into it so far. The eyes were especially fiddly. I'm only aware of how long I've been sitting once I try to get up. It takes me a few minutes to straighten up and wake up my legs. I think I need to set a little timer to remind me to get up, walk around, and air out Tag. We can both benefit from the break. Indeed, Time flies when you're having fun.


  1. Just lovely - this koi is going to be another beauty! And, oh, I hear you about the "reactivation" process after being seated a tad too long (too long according to my body, not my "soul" which is having fun...😁) And my eyes do something funky, too, when I've been working on something close for a while... Sigh. But, it's usually all worth it in the end 😁😉 Hope that healing is continuing extremely well!

    1. Hi Lois:
      You know exactly what I mean, sister. It's hard to get the gears rolling again, and likewise with my eyes. I am behaving and healing really well. I nap when I'm tired, and I'm not staying up as late. I'm also sleeping later in the mornings. I think the doctor will be pleased with my condition when he sees me again in mid-November. I completed my koi today, so I'll share the finished embroidery tomorrow.

  2. It's beautiful now, can't wait to see it with even more bling!

    1. Hi Marilyn:
      I finished all the needlework on it today. You can see the piece in tomorrow's post.

  3. I know all about time flying when you're working on something fun. I can manage to lose an entire afternoon and am often shocked when Resident Chef calls me for supper. I'm SURE he has his time wrong because surely I just sat down a few minutes ago.

    1. Hi MA:
      Exactly!!! You know what I'm talking about. I completed the embroidery today, so will share the koi tomorrow. Now to do the finishing. I'm so excited!

  4. Another beauty.
    I know too well about the 'get up, straighten up and wake up legs' from sitting too long.
    I always tell myself, you should get up, you're gonna pay for sitting too long, oh heck,
    what's another half hour to sit and stitch.
    Closing in to the end of another week, more rain tomorrow.

    1. Hi Shirley:
      I knew I wasn't alone in this, and comments today confirm that. My mind is not as old - I mean, MATURE - as my body. I do need to keep reminding myself. Tag liked getting out more today, too. Hard to believe it's Friday again tomorrow. Where does the time go? sigh

  5. Sherry of createology: The eyes look amazing! I cannot imagine ho you stitched them. Great progress dear.

    1. Hi Sherry:
      The eyes took me the longest. I stitched, unstitched, restitched until I was happy with how they looked. I'll know better to make the process easier next time. I have a pattern from Clara for a wee frog with the same eyes. That one will be fun, too!
      Thanks, sweet friend.


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Blessings, Donna