September 4, 2023

Something New On The Horizon...

I may not be able to do much right now, but I am able to work on my iPad and cell phone. Not only have I created new artwork for stickers (of our girl, Carly), but I have some other plans for it, too. Creating Carly’s artwork was something I’ve been wanting to do for a while, but other things - like canning - got in the way. Thankfully, my iPad weighs less than five pounds!

My word for this year is Build, and there’s no time like the present. Because I’m losing my possible income from one - and likely two - shows this fall, I’m going to develop a few new avenues to compensate. I’ll continue with my Etsy shop, but I’ll change up and fine tune my offerings there. I’m also planning and working on two other sites I hope to share soon. 

For now, I’ll add all my Farmhouse Critter stickers to my Etsy shop as they are available. Funny. I thought my Bella and Tag stickers were already there. I guess slowing down will be good for my ability to focus. It’s always a pleasure to find a silver lining in this present situation. 

I’ll keep sharing announcements on Instagram, FaceBook, newly-revisited Pinterest, and of course, you’ll always know about it here.

I’ll keep working on my projects and will share more as soon as I can. Expect some wonderful changes! Change is good, right?


  1. Lovely image of Carly! It's good that you can at least play on your tablet and phone and hopefully soon you'll be able to pick up a light stitching project. Good changes are nice!

  2. Sherry of createology: Oh Donna Dear…I have been neglectful on blogging and just read about your surgery #8. I am so sorry you are having to endure all of these. My heart is praying for you to Heal and return to excellent Wellness very soon. God will take care of you so please don’t worry about shows or tomatoes or anything else. Jan will help you and Handsome will be with you every minute of your recovery. Even Tag, Bella, Carly, Claudette and Crystal will be comforting you. Relax and be the Bon Bon Queen wearing your tiara with grace.

  3. Sounds like some new crafts are coming!


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Blessings, Donna