September 13, 2023

A New Project...

I know I've been asleep much of the month so far, but it's still hard for me to believe it's already September 13th. I wanted to show you what I began over the weekend. It took me two days to stitch this little bit. I guess I shouldn't be too surprised. I'm still healing and get tired quickly. 

I've been following doctor's orders and will get my stitches and staples out tomorrow. I'm looking forward to that. I did miss Adrienne's wedding on Saturday, and although I've seen photographs of their wonderful day, I truly regret that I couldn't celebrate with her and her new husband, Joe. I'm hoping I can see them next craft day later this month.

I have something special I'll be embroidering for their wedding gift, but this is going to be a gift for another friend. If you can see the faint white lines on the linen, you'll see that it's not particularly large, but I want to fill much of the area with embroidered flowers. I think it will be lovely, so I'll keep stitching as I'm able and hope it meets my vision for the piece.

I'm drinking decaf tea these days - it doesn't aggravate healing the areas involved in the surgery - so I have my morning cuppa, and sometimes another at "tea time". It's time for that morning cuppa and then I'll try to stitch a little bit and hope I can stay awake. If I get tired, I'll be lying down again. I know you want me to concentrate on getting better, and I assure you I'm really paying attention to my body and doing what I should. I'm doing everything by the book. I really never want to have another surgery. I'm hoping that that fond desire will be achieved with my adherence to the rules right now. Trust me. For me, that ain't easy!


  1. Your embroidery is always so perfect & beautiful/
    I'm glad you are getting the rest you need.

    1. Hi Marilyn:
      You're always so kind, my friend. Thank you. Resting, I am!

  2. Good girl! I sincerely hope that your patience and diligent rule-following reaps great rewards for you!!

    1. Hi Lois:
      So far so good, and I sure don't want to sabotage it! I'll keep right on behaving. Thanks for caring, dear.

  3. Sounds like you are doing a great job taking care of yourself. Keep it up! Your embroidery is always so perfect. I fell in love with my printed Fjallraven backpack years ago. Since then, I’ve seen lots of Fjallraven backpacks being embellished with embroidery. I just bought a new solid bag to embroider for myself. I’ve been practicing on scrap trying to get my courage up to begin the bag! Andrea Hickman

    1. Hi Andrea!
      You don't know how many times I had to take out the center lavender flower! I'd get to pulling the stitch down and it would get all wonky! Perseverance, I say. lol I hope you'll share a picture of your backpack with me. I'm so curious to see what it looks like and how you embellish it. Be sure to send me an email once you get it done! I'm doing my best to behave. So far it involves LOTS of naps. giggle

  4. Hope you are all well soon, The embroidery is looking really

    1. Hi Danice.
      Thank you so much, dear...for the get well and the compliment.

  5. Sherry of createology: This stitchery is gorgeous. Rest is your most important job until you are completely healed. Prayers and Healing Energy continue for you dear.

    1. Hi Sherry:
      Thanks so much, dear. I'm getting to be a "Rest Expert" these days. I've been taking naps and following doctor's orders. I want this to be the last surgery for this, and get "The Troubles" behind us. Thank you for the prayers.

  6. Another beauty.
    You are doing a great job at resting and taking care of yourself.
    That is a very tough order, the mind says one thing and the body has a whole different idea.

    1. Hi Shirley:
      I'm doing my best, and any time Handsome thinks I'm on the edge, he chastises me so I get back in line. He's the best caretaker! We've been in this together for over three years, and he's as invested in my complete success as I am. Every time my mind says I'm a slacker, my body says it's time for a nap. I think we've reached an accord. lol


Thank you so much for leaving a comment today. I'm using new settings on my comments so that I'll be able to respond to your messages to me. Be sure to come back to see my replies!

Blessings, Donna