September 16, 2023

Here's What Happened To Me...

Let me begin by saying that this is a rather delicate issue, but I want you to understand what the past three years and multiple surgeries has been about. In the process, I may help another with similar issues avoid the problems I've had. Mainly, by imparting some information that can be used to get the right person for the job. I'm hoping that where I seem a little vague (for modesty's sake), you'll understand what I'm trying to say.

In June of 2020, I went to the same orthopedist Handsome had gone to for his knee replacement. Once he looked at my knee, he suggested physical therapy to which I responded that I had an issue common in women, fearing I'd be a wet mess if I tried to do anything too physical for my knee. He recommended I see his colleague and friend - a urologist - to see about getting some relief. So, I left his office and made an appointment with his colleague.

Handsome attended the appointment with me, and I discussed a possible solution might be to install a "sling". I'd talked to multiple girlfriends who'd had the procedure, and they all swore by it. He agreed and scheduled me for surgery. 
Now, before I go further, I now know that he should have done a series of tests first to assess just how bad my condition was, but I didn't know that at the time. He scheduled me for a surgery on July 23, 2020.

The surgery was a day procedure, so I knew I'd be going home that afternoon. We got to the hospital first thing in the morning, and when it was getting close to checkout time, the nurse said I needed to void on my own before I could leave. I realized then that I had heavy bleeding - unexpected by anything I'd been cautioned about pre-op - so I asked the nurse why? She told me that the doctor would explain, but there had been "complications".

I didn't see the doctor before leaving, but Handsome had the whole story, which he told me on our way home. When the doctor went to tighten the sling, it broke. So he cut the anchor attachments (leaving them in place), removed the sling, and proceeded to install a second one - even though he said he knew it would cause me some trauma.

When he went to tighten the second sling, it also broke. Soooo, rather than quit there, he informed Handsome (after the fact) that there was one more sling in the hospital. He again cut the anchors (also leaving them behind), removed the second sling, and then installed a third one...which he didn't tighten because he was afraid it would break. At that point, I have one loose sling and six anchors in place...and he sent me home.

I was soon in great pain, taking the medicine he sent home with us, but the pain grew worse and persisted. We called multiple times and he said to continue with the pain meds and he'd see me in two weeks. In the meantime, I was unable to sit up straight at all. I had to shift from one hip to the other, or be completely prone.  I spent most of my time in bed. The pain was akin to what you might remember from childhood if you ever fell forward on the bar of your bicycle - times ten. It was excruciating.

We saw him after two weeks, and he said I was "healing nicely", but he may have to send me to a specialist to determine why I was in pain. This persisted for seven weeks, until he finally referred me to a urogynechologist in Green Bay.

When the specialist examined me, he said he could palpate the slipped sling and one of the anchors, and the best thing would be to remove everything, get me out of pain, and start at square one. We scheduled that surgery for September 11, 2020. When I came out of the surgery, I was immediately out of pain. He told us he removed five of the six anchors (one was high up and he didn't want to risk doing more damage. It could stay safely where it was), part of a remnant sling that had been left behind, and the slipped sling. So, everything except one anchor had been removed. 

Rather than go into every sordid detail, I'll fast forward a bit. The sling had done more damage than just pain. It had been resting on my bladder nerve, so I now had a spastic bladder and permanent damage to the "piping". It means that whenever I moved it was like priming a pump, and there was no function to stop the flow. I essentially went from a couple light days to 9-10 heavy weight pads a day, and overnight coverage as well.

When that first specialist had medical issues of his own that kept him out of the office for months, I was referred to a female specialist in Milwaukee-area. She was also wonderful, and was candid that the first guy really messed up...a fact that the first specialist agreed with. Nevertheless, we went through tests, and multiple procedures in an effort to find some relief for me. This condition was stealing my life from me. I couldn't go swimming, hunting with Handsome, or even shopping. I'd be wet through to my clothes before I could get back home - even if I made stops along the way. I tried to deal with my condition with humor, but truthfully, it was stealing my joy every minute of the day and night.

Procedure (Surgery) #7 was to install an Interstim unit to try to control the bladder spasms. It's a battery-operated unit installed in the back of my hip with a lead wire that runs along the nerve for my bladder. It definitely worked, but it was causing me to get cramps in my leg, and the dang battery unit pinches if I move wrong. I'm always aware it's there. Note here that Surgery #3-6 were to try other options. A different sling, a bulking procedure to narrow down the "piping", etc.

When I found out that my first specialist was back to his practice, I contacted him. He spoke with the Milwaukee specialist and they compared notes. More than anything, he wanted to do his best to reverse the damage done by the urologist who did the first botched surgery. I made an appointment for more tests and then he sat down with Handsome and me for a discussion. He told us I was an enigma. Everything he and the other specialist had done should have helped me at each stage of the process, but it hadn't. I had one viable option left to me.

We decided that he would perform another surgery - to install an obstructive sling. That means I was agreeing to a procedure that would likely require that I self-catheterize for the rest of my life...but I'd be dry. I could take control again. Handsome and I discussed it and we agreed to go ahead with the surgery. That's the procedure that was done on August 29th of this year...just over three years since The Troubles began.

Since the surgery, I've been doing everything the doctor told me I need to do. No lifting over five pounds (almost everything weights over five pounds!), rest, and concentrate on healing. I came home with a supply of catheters (I'd been trained to use them two years ago), and prepared for my new way of life. 

Imagine my surprise - and confusion - when I found that I didn't need to catheterize. Did something go wrong? Did I do something I wasn't supposed to? Was this another failure? Then I stopped to assess. There was no leaking. THERE WAS NO LEAKING! Oh, I forgot to tell you. The Interstim was turned off for the surgery, and the doctor told me to leave it off to see how things went without it. There were no spasms in the ensuing days either.

I saw the doctor yesterday. I wore a dress to our appointment - a fact that didn't go unnoticed by his nurse. She also commented on the big smile on my face, when all our other appointments had been tearful. We went in to the exam room and she asked how everything was going, and I told her. The first thing she said was, "Well, I won't be doing the "Don't worry. It's too early to tell yet." speech." Now she was smiling, too. She left the room and came back with the doctor.

He had me sit in the "funny chair" so he could do an exam and remove my stitches/staples. (ouch) Then, we talked. He's cautiously optimistic, but what Handsome and I realized was that this is what he'd been hoping for all along. While I was focused on having to self-cath the rest of my life - he'd given me the worst-case scenario. What he didn't tell me was that things might return to normal and none of that would be necessary. So far, that's the case.

I'll see him again in eight weeks, and in the meantime, I'm going to continue to do exactly what I've been doing since the surgery - minding my "p"s and "q"s, and following his orders to the letter. I may have only one proceedure left - to remove the Interstim, which still hasn't been turned on, and he said I should leave off for now. As I continue to heal, we'll find out whether or not I need it at all in the future. Another point: If you've looking to have a procedure like this - which I'd still recommend to anyone going through what I was at the start - PLEASE go to a urogynecologist...someone who specializes in women's issues.
I seriously can't stop smiling. I'm hoping that if optimism and a sunny outlook affect healing, that they will help carry me to the best possible resolution to three years of hell. 
Now, if you're wondering...yes. I spoke with multiple lawyers. We agreed that we had a case, but after Medicare got repaid, the lawyers took their cut, and incidentals were covered, there may not be anything left for us. Wisconsin has a cap on malpractice awards, and adjudication may take up to another three years of my life. We agreed not to sue.
Instead, I've filed a complaint with the Wis. Medical Board, who will do a thorough review of the entire first surgery and how that doctor conducted himself. He should have done tests first. He didn't. He shouldn't have used the type of sling he chose (according to the two specialists), he never should have installed anything after the first sling broke, and he left me in pain way too long without relief. These are the things that will be reviewed by the board, and from what I was told by our lawyer, he's going to feel like he's gone to a proctologist with large, rough hands. 

As for me, I'm going to continue to heal, live my happy life here at the farmhouse, and have faith that God and a gifted surgeon have given my life back to me. I hope this hasn't been a TMI post for you. Truthfully, it's been cathartic for me to write about it. What little modesty I had before all this started, completely disappeared over three years of being poked, prodded, examined, and tested. I guess the fact that I'm even putting this into words is proof of that. 
I'll likely know as the weeks go by whether or not I continue to improve, but I'm looking forward to having a bona fide confirmation in eight weeks from my now favorite doctor. I have a feeling this is the fix we've been praying for. As always, I'll ask that you continue lifting healing prayers for me. Thanks for reading to the end. I feel like I should have a prize waiting for you just for slogging through this entire post! (Maybe I'll have to do something special for anyone who comments. You just never know. Stay tuned.)


  1. Oh Donna, I'm so sorry you had to go through all of that.
    Continued positive thoughts for you that you heal well.

    1. Hi, Marilyn:
      Thank you, dear. Your thoughts are deeply appreciated.

  2. How wonderful for you that you are now painfree. You are a brave and patient soul for dealing with this ordeal. Bev

    1. Hi Bev:
      Thanks so much. It's amazing what you can endure when you have no choice. I'm so glad to see the light at the end of the... um. Maybe that's a bad analogy. lol

  3. Oh my gosh, Donna - what a truly horrible ordeal you have been through. Praying that you continue to heal. Mary in NYC

    1. Hi, Mary:
      It sure wasn't fun. My nurse saw my smile at my last appointment and her face truly lit up. She and my doctor have had me on their mind for years, now. He said he wanted to make sure I was healed and whole before he retires. I told him he couldn't until that day arrived.
      Thanks for your note.

  4. Donna, Thank God that you are healing well and feelIng so much better. You stayed strong and are now even stronger. Prayers continue. Bonnie

    1. Hi Bonnie:
      I agree. This is what we've been praying for. Every day gets better. This really tested us, for sure. Thank you for your continued prayers, dear.

  5. Wow! What an ordeal. To have lost 3 years of your life to pain, frustration, and fear is awful. I have found that doctors often don’t give us the whole story even when everything goes well. I can sympathize but with a different surgery. I had to have emergency gallbladder removal 17 years ago. No one told me that severe stomach issues happened to 5% of the patients. Unfortunately I was one. I’ve spent 17 years with severe daily diarrhea and often can’t leave my home before 2pm. I missed so many of my children’s activities growing up. I have meds to take but sometimes they don’t work well enough either. I’ve battled fear and panic over accidents for so long that I don’t know how to be normal. Thank you for sharing your story and helping me share my secret that I usually don’t share with others. Keep taking care of yourself so you can fully enjoy life again! Andrea Hickman

    1. Dear Andrea:
      I'm so sorry you have had to endure your own trials. A loved one has Crohns, so we know about those sorts of fears. I understand completely about forgetting what it's like to be normal. You've got a sympathetic ear here any time you need to talk. Just drop me an email. I'll be saying prayers for you, too.

  6. Oh Donna, I am so sorry to hear of the pain you have had to deal with. I think sharing helps others to be cautious and understand how important second opinions are before any surgeries. I hate to say some doctors have become salesmen and have forgotten the do no harm promise they make. My sister had a similar experience with what should have been a "simple" knee surgery, she was bedridden for almost a year because of a botched surgery which caused a serious infection and now her 8th surgery (by different surgeon) has her walking but the knee is still unstable. And the"prize" for your friends is to hear you are getting better! We will keep the prayers coming!

    1. Take care from Kathy

    2. Hi Kathy:
      That's my hope, dear. That telling my story can help keep others from making my mistake. Always get a second opinion. Go to a specialist, not a gp, and question everything beforehand. I'll be praying for your sister. I'm so sorry for what's happened to her, and appreciate that you'll keep me in your prayers, too. Each day gets better, so I know they're being heard.

  7. Oh Donna, there are no words.
    Apparently my bladder is way too close to my eyes, I had tears though this whole post.
    There are just too many of 'those kind of doctors' out there.
    My husband had a situation with a kidney doctor, that was recommended to us by his general
    practitioner. This doctor was working from blood work that was six months old, he was insisting on surgery, which in no way would we agree to. I had asked him four times during the first office visit, which was only fifteen minutes long, if he was going to do a new blood work up before surgery, he realized that we were not leaving the office without an answer about the blood work and he said 'yes, come back in six months.' Not! We had two surgeons
    tell us to 'stay away from this guy.' We had no intention to continue with him after that visit, but how many others has he taken advantage of, and that's just one doctor. And to top it off the surgery was not necessary and would not have helped anyway.
    I'm so happy that you found this wonderful doctor, just sad that it took so long.
    As always, continued healing prayers for you from me.

    1. Hi Shirley:
      Thank you so much for your kind heart. I'm so glad your radar alerted you to move away from that doctor. The ortho that recommended me to the urologist was another one along that line. He said he wouldn't operate on my bone-on-bone knee because I was "suffering from depression" - even though I underwent an evaluation with my primary care PA because his office called her about me. After a lengthy conversation in person with her, she said I most certainly wasn't suffering from depression. I told him so, and his response was, "Well, whatever you want to call it." Handsome and I left his office and agreed I'm going to find a new ortho when the time comes. Truthfully, I'm in no hurry. I've had enough of doctors (except the urogynecologist) for now. I'll be praying for your husband, and appreciate that you're lifting prayers for me.

  8. Donna, I am so sorry you had to go through this. I hope the person who did all that damage gets his just rewards. Thank you for sharing your experience, too. I had no idea there was such a thing as a urogynocologist. You have provided some important education here. I hope you continue to heal and return to your normal life!

    1. Hi:
      I'm hoping he gets what he deserves, too. I really debated sharing this story, but hope that it might help someone else from going through what I did. Yes. The urogynecologists cover all kinds of women's issues. I'm glad I learned about them when I did, and am glad to help others. Thank you so much for your note and kind wishes. They're greatly appreciated.

  9. Sherry of createology: Donna Dear you are so brave and strong. I am grateful you have shared your experience. We have to be our own medical advocates because no one else (except loved ones) will do right by us. I continue to lift Healing Prayers for you. Three years is too long to suffer. Hugs.

    1. Hi Sherry:
      I'm not sure about brave and strong. I know I'm bull-headed, but there were a few times I cried from sheer frustration.Then I'd pull up my socks and face it head on. I had no choice. Handsome has been a rock through it all. He's sympathetic and understanding, but this situation has stolen a lot from us in the past three years. It's good to know "The Troubles" are coming to an end...finally. Thanks for the continued prayers, my dear friend.

  10. Donna, as I commented another time, I never would have guessed you have been burdened with such an ordeal/health issue when I read about all that you accomplish and how you lovingly serve others! You always exude such grace as your write about your life. (-: Praise the Lord that He has sustained you through all of this and brought you to a good doctor who seems to finally truly be able to help you bring this horrible experience to a happy ending! And oh, what a blessing to have your Handsome by your side (he "has your back") through all of this - goodness, don't we need a healthcare advocate more than ever in these days! I appreciate you sharing so openly and vulnerably - it is surely helpful for those of us reading to be educated... a) for ourselves should we face such things in the future, and as we age we will certainly be dealing with doctors of one form or another - ugh!; and b) so that those who pray can lift up more specific prayers on your behalf - although, God already knows, even when we don't. We'll be praying that you won't need all those catheter supplies you prepared for!!! Keep up the good restful recovery!!

  11. Oh Donna, what a terrible time you have had. Sending prayers that this surgery continues to be successful.

    1. Hi Wanda:
      I really can't disagree. It's been rought, but good times are coming soon. Thank you for your prayers, dear. I really appreciate it.

  12. I'm so sorry that you've had to go through such an awful time - and I hope somehow that terrible doctor gets his just desserts. If it's possible, look and see if there's a way you can leave a bad review for him somewhere online. At least that's something you can do. Sending you healing thoughts and prayers Donna for a very complete healing this time. Let Handsome coddle you!!


Thank you so much for leaving a comment today. I'm using new settings on my comments so that I'll be able to respond to your messages to me. Be sure to come back to see my replies!

Blessings, Donna