September 21, 2023

Mounting Next...

The embroidery is complete. The next (and final) step will be to mount it onto a beautiful box I received recently. Once that's done, I'll be sending it off as a gift for a friend.

You'll be pleased to know that this is all I really accomplished yesterday. Handsome did the lawn on his own, when I would usually have helped. Instead, I stayed indoors and worked on this piece. Then, last evening he went to watch our younger son (another drummer!), who had a gig about forty five minutes south of us. I opted to stay home with the dogs this time. 

Today, my plan is to finish this gift and then send it on its way. Depending on Handsome's level of enthusiasm, there may be breadmaking in the plan. We'll see. Otherwise, I'm going to grab some supplies and begin another needlework project. (I have a short list of gifts right now.) I'm flexible.


  1. It's beautiful Donna.
    Can't wait to see the final finish.

  2. Lucky friend to be on the receiving end of your beautiful needlework!

  3. So very pretty! Andrea Hickman

  4. Sherry of createology: This stitchery has turned out to be beyond beautiful. Mounting it onto a box will make for a lovely gift. Sweet of Handsome to do your huge lawn by himself. Sandy will love her Sacred Heart gift you created. Blessings Dear

    1. Thank you, dear Sherry. I enjoyed every second of stitching. I do hope she loves it. Handsome is one of the genuine good guys. I so wish I could have helped. Can't wait to hear how Sandy likes her gift from you.

  5. This is so beautiful.


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Blessings, Donna