September 19, 2023

Tuesdays With Tag - PSA #6...

Hi, Everybody!
Time for another Public Service Announcement from your favorite, of course! 
I save my PSAs for the most important information, so listen up!

Mom's been seein' lots of dog people askin' about shavin' their dogs...huskies, corgis, and other "shedders". First thing she always asks is, "Well, didn't you know your dog was goin' to shed?" We're dogs, after all. It's almost like the first thing on the list of "What We Do"!

When we lived in Florida, I'd laze around in the yard even in the hottest weather. Of course, I knew I could cool off in the pool when I'd had enough, but my double coat kept my body comfortable year round. I could lie around right on the hot driveway! Same here in Wisconsin with the snow and cold. We were meant for this because of our extra layer of insulation.

When people want to chop our fur off, they remove that protection and can actually cause us to get overheated and sick. Mom's suggestion is to buy a good "pet purpose" vacuum cleaner, clothes the color of your dog (didn't work for Mom and Dad - she bought light colored clothes for me, and then Dad got the black Labradors), get good at dog groomin', and then just resign yourself to the fact that there's gonna be dog hair in your life. If you can't take that certainty, then get a stuffed animal or a breed that doesn't shed (if there is such a thing). But, in the meantime, you'll be missin' out on gettin' to live with some pretty awesome dog breeds!

Well, consider this your lesson and public service announcement for the week. I'm gonna leave you for now. I've got some serious sheddin' to do. lol Oh, say Mommmm!

I'll see you again in seven. 'til then... 
"Be A Good Dog." 


  1. I had no idea. I would have thought it helped them!

    1. Hi Miss Sandi:
      Glad we could share some of the knowledge we've learned. Mom also found out that usin' a desheddin' comb has a razor that does an awful job on my coat. She threw that out after just usin' it once. Then she learned from Corgi folks not to use them. Live and learn, right?

  2. Sounds like some good advice, Tag!

    1. Thanks, Miss Marilyn:
      I try to be helpful sometimes.

  3. Tag Dear you always have the best advice with your PSAs. I don’t have a dog but I cannot imagine shaving off your beautiful coat of glorious fur. Thanx for sharin. Smooches

    1. Thank you so much! I can't even imagine myself BARE! Yikes! It would be awful for sure.
      Big Smooches,

  4. Great PSA Tag.
    There are so many people that should not own any kind of animal.
    Don't get me started.
    If you don't like pet hair, don't sit on my furniture.
    Have a great week.

    1. Hi Miss Shirley:
      We could happily ride on that same band wagon! We're so glad our Mom and Dad feel just like you...we get on the furniture, sleep on the bed (once in a while), and are allowed anywhere people are. Except the bathtub. Our choice. We're not fans.
      Have a great week, too!


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Blessings, Donna