September 2, 2023

More Of The Same...

Handsome and I have worked out a system. He insists I use a cane to walk with him out to our garden. From there, I point and he picks. This was yesterday's five pound harvest. So far, I calculate that I/we've picked approximately 35 pounds of tomatoes. These, too, will be frozen until I can safely handle the canning process in a couple months.
I managed to spend a little time in the fresh air, too. A rested on my chaise lounge with both Claudette and Crystal to keep me company. Later, Tag came out to guard over me, too. Claudette is getting her beauty rest in, as you can see in this photograph.

This was my view from my chaise. Sunshine and mostly clear skies to brighten my outlook as I heal. The gate across the stairs is to keep Tag from wandering outside our yard, as he usually tries to do. I certainly prefer that no one has to chase him down right now, so instead we use the gate.

Thank you for all your kind notes yesterday. They, too, brighten my day, and are appreciated beyond measure. I'll be back tomorrow to say "hi" and check in. I'm looking forward to a wonderful September. What do you have planned this month? As I'm laid up, I'd love to live vicariously through you, and hear what you're up to.


  1. Glad you got to sit outside & enjoy the fresh air.
    It's supposed to be very hot the next few days. UGH!
    I am working on a wool project for my table.
    It's that time of year!

  2. I'm sure Handsome is a really good nurse so you just lay back and let him. At least you've still got good weather to enjoy the view from the porch. Take care of you.
    As for what I'm doing - another landscape (of course!) and slightly panicking over the fact that I have a ton of knitting to get done before THAT day in December. Oh yes, and also gearing up to go see our family in BC next week.

  3. Claudette is letting you know that this is the way it's done.
    I can hear her say 'good girl, you've taken my lead.'
    The porch looks wonderful, flag flying in the breeze and the beautiful sky over the Compass Barn.
    With low humidity and temps I'm catching up on things in the yard, we will be back in the
    90's this week. I've lost my mojo, as they say, for stitching, quilting and crocheting for the last few months, not sure why, but I'm sure it will be back by cooler weather.
    Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

  4. Glad you could sit outside and breathe in some fresh air.


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Blessings, Donna