September 7, 2023

His Hands...

These are the hands I've held for over forty years. These are Handsome's hands, and yesterday, they helped make bread for our family and Andy's family, too.

With my bending and lifting restrictions, my ability to make bread on my own is non-existent until at least eleven weeks from now, so if we're going to have bread in the farmhouse, this ol' girl is going to need help. I got to teach Handsome how I make bread by hand, and he was eager to help.

By mid-afternoon, we had our usual four loaves, plus a half dozen hamburger buns. The house was filled with the customary warm yeasty smell, and I loved watching my dear husband jump in to enthusiastically learn my process. When we were in Florida, he used to make our bread in a machine. Quite a different process from the handmade breads I've been making here. I was happy to be his coach as we worked together - with me taking rest breaks - toward our common goal.

There's a reason I've held these hands for over forty years. Yesterday was just another example of why it's been my honor to do so. I'm smiling as I write this, and I'm hoping you're smiling now, too. See you tomorrow.


  1. Glad Handsome helped you.
    He's a keeper! :)
    Love the smell of baking bread.

    1. Hi Marilyn:
      I told him that he can do it on his own next time, to which he replied, "Oh, no. You still need to help." It was so sweet. He did all the heavy lifting, and I had fun teaching him some of what I've learned. It was a great day.
      Happy Friday, dear.

  2. Aww, your post brought a tear to my eye. It's those many millions of acts of loving service towards one another that has brought you to over forty years of hand holding 🥰

    1. Hi Lois:
      We always say, "It's what we do." All those little things that make our life together so wonderful. Thanks for caring and knowing what we know.

  3. As of tomorrow my Resident Chef and I have been holding hands for 44 years. Hard to believe it's been that long because it seems like just yesterday. Bless your Handsome for undertaking bread making...he's definitely a keeper, just like my RC.
    (btw- we're flying out to visit our family in BC tomorrow so if I don't comment for awhile, you'll know why!).

  4. Sherry of createology: Handsome’s hands look good to hold and for making bead. He is one very special husband. I do hope your recovery is coming along nicely. I can almost smell the fresh baked bread. Yum. I have Amish butter to share and spread on that warm bread.

    1. Hi Sherry:
      He's really the best. We're great at taking care of each other. Will have to search out that Amish butter just north of here to try.

  5. Oh you two crazy kids!
    It was tears first then smiles for me.
    The two of you are a very special couple.
    I always tell mine (of 43 years) 'it takes team work to make the dream work.'

    1. Dear Shirley:
      We're definitely both lucky girls to have had this time with our husbands. Many couples don't make it this long, but I found that when you marry your best friend, it's easier to work through the rough patches when you have all the good times to sustain you. I know you know what I mean. Thanks for your note, dear.


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Blessings, Donna