September 26, 2023

Tuesdays With Tag - Don't Call 'Em Barn Cats...

 Hi, Everybody!

It's rainin' today. Mom and Dad are happy because it's good for the garden (and Dad doesn't have to drag a hose over there to water plants). The furry residents? We're not so fond of it. Wet paws, wet coats, and we have to stay off the furniture.

Anyway, that's not what I want to talk about today. I want to talk about these two. Mom calls 'em "barn cats". Dad calls 'em "welfare clients". Bella and Carly call 'em "exercise for Labradors", and I call 'em "trouble". 

Actually, Claudette and I have an agreement. She quits rubbin' up against me, and I'll quit walkin' away from her. Crystal lets me walk pretty close to her without her hissin', so I guess that's an agreement, too.

So, every night, Crystal crawls into the cat house Mom made out of the dresser (yes. It's currently on the porch). Every mornin', Mom calls her and she comes out the little front door of it. When Mom checks on her and Claudette last thing at night, Mom opens the big door and Crystal is on the upper level in her bed - cozy and safe.

Claudette, on the other hand, still prefers to sleep in the covered basinette next to the dresser. Sometimes both girls are in there, but usually Claudette prefers to sleep alone. Mom gives each of them a little pettin' and then tells them to stay on the porch overnight where they're safe. It seems to work for 'em.

First thing in the mornin', Claudette waits patiently for breakfast, and they're usually fed before us dogs get to run around outside. Once Claudette has her mornin' snack, she likes to come out into the field with us, and she rubs against Mom's legs while Mom holds my long lead so I can run around. I'm sure we look pretty cute out there.

Of course, the last thing on the agenda for what I'm now callin' the "porch pussies" is to try to get in the house. If Dad's not gonna be home for a little while, Mom lets 'em in to hang out inside a bit. If he's home, they're tough out of luck. Mom will sit with them and have her mornin' coffee or tea, but they have to stay outside.

Pretty soon it's gonna get cold enough that they're gonna have to move to the barn. On nice days, they'll still be on the porch (or sometimes in the house), but once the snow falls, Mom will be drinkin' her mornin' cuppa in the barn with these two. 

I don't get it one bit, but for some reason she really likes them. Oh, well. Her heart's big enough for all of us. As long as I get regular snuggles and three square, I'm good.

I'll see you again in seven. 'til then... 
"Be A Good Dog." 


  1. You're so right Tag - Mom does have a big heart where there's room for all of you.

    1. Hi Miss MA:
      Well, I got my treats, meals and snuggles, so I'm good.

  2. Sherry of createology: Tag you and mom have big hearts for all living things. I know it isn’t macho for you to admit it though. Fresh rain for the garden is great. Enjoy Autumn My Little Corgi Cutie…

    1. Hi Miss Sherry:
      Thanks for sayin' so. Mom does for sure! I got wet at least 25 times today. (Well, maybe it wasn't that bad.) I love the way everythin' smells outside this time of year. I can see why it's Mom's favorite.

  3. Great post again today Tag. I enjoyed the update on the girls.
    Yes, mom has a huge heart where the creatures are concerned, love that about her,
    it's very admirable.

    1. Hi Miss Shirley:
      Thanks! You won't mind if I don't pass that on to Mom, will you? I mean, three messages in a row tellin' her how great she is is gonna go to her head! Kiddin'. I'll tell her.
      Big Smooches,

  4. Mom does have a soft spot for animals, doesn't she Tag?
    Mom loves ALL of you!


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Blessings, Donna