October 8, 2022

The Cardinals Are Finished...

She took another five hours or so, but Mrs. Cardinal is finally finished. Of course, I still have feet to do on both the male and female, that won't be done until I stitch the branches they're perched upon.

I'll begin work on the branches in the next day or so. I admit my hands are more than a little sore with the change to cooler weather, so I'm giving them a rest from stitching today.

I didn't get to those jalapeños yesterday, and I have squash and green peppers that need my attention. That may be on my agenda instead today. Or perhaps I'll just sit and read my new copy of Inspirations that arrived in yesterday's mail. Isn't it nice to have options?


  1. The Cardinals are gorgeous!
    Inspirations is an awesome magazine.

    1. Hi Marilyn:
      Thanks so much! Yes. I thoroughly enjoy paging through the pages of the magazine. I'm interested in doing one or two from this issue!

  2. I know exactly what you mean about having sore hands now that the weather has turned cool. I'm not looking forward to having to go out in the winter knowing full well my hands will be paining. One of the joys of living in a northern climate.
    Your cardinals are looking spectacular! I do hope you're going to keep them for yourself because they'd look so wonderful hanging in your beautiful farmhouse.

    1. Hi MA:
      I certainly feel for you, too. I have yet to find something that makes my hands feel better when they're sore. Most times I just push through the pain, but other times, I'll rest them until they feel better. The cardinals will be part of a piece I'm entering into a competition in November, but then it will hang here at home with the robins. Too much work to give away, and too many hours to actually sell it for what it's worth. I'll happily keep it. Thanks, dear.

  3. Sherry of createology: I can understand your hands being sore. Your Cardinals are stunning. You have definitely earned a rest from stitching. Enjoy your weekend dear.

    1. Thank you, dear Sherry. Handsome informed me that we were out of bread, so guess what I did instead today? Not much rest for this girl. Heading to bed early (for me). Hope you have a restful weekend.

  4. I agree, your cardinals are wonderful. Their faces are so expressive that they look real. Well done!

    1. Dear Grovenore:
      Thank you so much! I've been trying my best to make them look realistic. I really appreciate your comment.


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Blessings, Donna