October 1, 2022

A Quick Update…


Trevor found the (nearly) perfect perch in the sun. The Labrador/Corgi booger-smeared window wasn’t optimal, but he didn’t seem to care. I, on the other hand, am horrified to admit how filthy that window panel is, and that I actually shared it with you! (Believe me. I’ll definitely take care of that!)

The great news is that he and I are in Minnesota as I write this. A dear friend has formally adopted him and has asked me to remain his Aunty. Once she committed to be his new, forever Mom, I called my sister to see how she’d feel about a weekend guest, and loaded us into the Explorer for the drive north. I arrived at Di’s house just after 8 pm. 

I’ll share photos and more about Trevor’s new owners on Monday. I’m thrilled that he has a wonderful home and loving people to live with now. 

After they pick him up at Di’s today, she and I will hang out until Sunday afternoon, when I’ll head back home. Check back on Monday for more info about Trevor’s new family. 

I’m so very grateful. 
Donna ❤️


  1. I'm so glad Trevor is going to a good home.
    He must've been someone's cat at one time.
    I wonder what his story is.
    He seems so sweet.

  2. I’m so glad Trevor has found a permanent home. I can relate to the window issue!😅 Each time I clean it my lab has to come over to see what I’ve done...and here we go again! Bonnie

  3. Yeah! I'm so glad Trevor is going to a new loving home and that you'll be able to get updates on him. Be safe on your drive.


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Blessings, Donna