December 17, 2018

A Lost Weekend...

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I woke up Saturday with sore ears and throat. It just got worse from there. I spent most of my weekend in bed - doing absolutely nothing. You know me well enough to understand just how much I dislike doing nothing.

Doing "nothing" means that projects weren't started, let alone completed. I didn't pull fabric, get it prewashed, or cut out. Nothing was sewn, stitched, or wrapped. But...I'm feeling better, because I laid low. That's a good thing, because it's going to be a busy week.

This week, bread and cookies will be baked; jammies will be sewn (along with a few other projects); the house will be decorated; and our Christmas menu planned. No worries. I've got this.

Tag will be back tomorrow. He's working on a few projects of his own, and he's always got something to chat about. A hot cuppa tea, and I'll be off about my work. I'll be back with you on Wednesday. Cheerio!


1 comment:

  1. Oh Dear I am send along Healing Energy for you to be well and have lots of those secret elves help you this week. Stay rested and fed while you complete each task. Merry Decorating...


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Blessings, Donna