Sunday's Canning |
On Saturday, Aunty Margaret, Uncle Dick and I went to the farmer's market in search of tomatoes. I knew there would be some, but I was looking for a better price than $65.00 a bushel. Although there were quite a few vendors, it wasn't really busy. I think the gorgeous weather drew people elsewhere.
It didn't take long for me to find a vendor who had baskets and baskets of beautiful, red tomatoes, and her price was a little better at 40# for $35.00. (.88/pound vs 1.23/pound) Goodness! I had no idea they'd be this expensive, but I'm happier with this lady's price, so we packed up forty pounds and headed home.
Aunty Margaret was up at the farm by 9 am Sunday (giving me time to air out and feed Tag and Bella). We shared a cuppa tea and then commenced to cleaning, coring, skinning, and canning the tomatoes. We developed a nice system, and by 2:30 my trays were empty. I only had two salsa water baths to go and we were finished.
The neatest thing is that my aunt is no longer canning, so she gave me her jars. All I had to do was purchase new seals and rings. I was quite happy, and Aunty even ran them all through the dishwasher to sterilize them before bringing them to me. Isn't that wonderful?
When all was said and done, we'd canned 15 quarts of crushed tomatoes; 5-1/2 pints of salsa and 1.5 pints of picante sauce. I'd say that was another productive day. Only thing left on the list this season is applesauce...and a few more jars of lavender jelly...but not this week.
Liljegren's Machine Shed |
I'm sure you must have recognized this building in yesterday's post, but do you notice anything different? Late in the day on Saturday, Shelly came down the hill to spot me as I climbed up to the peak of this beautiful barn building. (It's actually a machine shed from when this was a true working farm.)
I wanted my compass to be installed for a reason. Handsome has been in New York state all week, attending a new music camp, while the dogs and I kept the home fires burning. I wanted him to see the compass, where I'd intended it, when he drives in the yard. It's there to always guide us back home.
Now, what I'd really like is to have a sign that says " Liljegren's Hickory Hill Farm" below the compass. Perhaps next year.
I'll be in the studio today, and doing laundry when I'm not sewing. My dear husband is bringing his brother and sister-in-law home with him on Tuesday, and I want to make sure the house is spic and span for their visit.
Gotta run. Miles to go before I sleep.