September 16, 2024

Hickory Hill Farm Girls...

Carly (left) and WMBBD Bella (right)

While I continue to pull together my ideas for the Summer Serenade - Bluebirds piece, there were more than a few moments that were just spent enjoying the outdoors with Handsome and the ladies. I'm just sharing photographs of our girls with you today, so I can work on a few things to show you tomorrow.

WMBBD Liljegren's Suncoast Bella

Liljegren's Suncoast Carly

Hickory Hill Farm's Claudette

Hickory Hill Farm's Crystal

September 15, 2024

September 14, 2024

I've Decided On The Next Big Project...


This photo is of the very first step of my process. I have a huge notebook, filled to the brim with nature images - inspiration for future projects. My next seasonal quilt will be the bluebirds. I pulled examples of the poses, subjects and colors I'll need for this piece, and will proceed from this starting point. 

First, I'll size the basic images I want to use to be comparable to the two quilts I've already completed...Song of Spring - Robins and Winter Song - Cardinals. This one will be called Summer Serenade - Bluebirds. Once I've chosen the poses and corrected for size, I'll work on the composition and lay it out on my musical notes background fabric. I intend to share the major steps in this process with you as I do them, but I'm sharing the first steps now.

At this point, I've chosen my colorways and will spend the next few hours just winding threads onto bobbins so they're easier to pull and strand when the stitching begins. It's really grunt work, but also very zen to just sit winding thread.

You will see other projects I start and complete while I also work on this, but this will be a long-term, fall/winter project until it's finished.

*** While most images I use are actual wildlife photos, I was so smitten with the mother feeding her babies by Marjolean Bastien that it ended up in my binder. Of course, I'll change some things, but I wanted to recognize the artist for that artwork.

When I get to working on the next phase, I'll take photos to share. As I said, winding bobbins is next on my agenda. Time to make a cuppa, turn on some good music, put up my feet, and get to it.

Happy Weekend!


September 13, 2024

Ellie Loves It!...

Ellie's mama shot a video of her opening her gift today, so you know I just had to share. She was so tickled! I would have shared the video, but her little sister and brother are bouncing around in the background, so I decided to capture some still images to give you an idea of how she liked it.

Once she (quickly) realized what it was, a huge (missing one front tooth) grin appeared on her face. She immediately put it on as a crossbody, and then inspected it further. She opened the zipper and had to show her mama the paw print lining.

You've got to know that I was grinning from ear to ear the entire time I watched the video...and my glee has lasted for hours since then.

This last photograph is sweet Ellie looking at the camera to thank her Aunt Donna for the gift. I'm grinning all over again as I write this.

Her mama, Brianna, told me that Ellie had a date yesterday evening to go to a ball game with her daddy. She asked her mother if she could take her purse with her, and was told she could. The update after they left was that her mom was going to have to "break her heart" tomorrow to tell her she couldn't take it to school with her. sniffle

In Ellie's card, I told her that I had designed and sewn the purse just for her, and that there isn't another one like it in the world. Her mom told me she was feeling extra special knowing that. I've made gifts for Ethan's family before, and as always, I really enjoy gifting them because all of them appreciate the time and effort that went into their creation.

I told Brianna that I know their second child loves kitties. I'm already working on that design in my head, and will make that purse soon, so the next gift won't be late...I mean...extended.

September 12, 2024

Saturday Sky...

This is how the sky looked as I was on my way to work on Saturday. The sun was obscured, but its light still radiated through the clouds. It was like the Heavens were sending a message.

All is well, even when you may not see it.

I try very hard not to push myself anymore, but there's so much I still want to accomplish. So much I still want to do. What's next?

I'd like to start my bluebird wall hanging...or perhaps continue the hard task of the continued studio purge...or get a head start on the pieces I need to make for the November vendor and craft show?  I still haven't tidied up my Etsy shop, and then there's always laundry. Do you see my dilemma?

So, I'll look at this photograph and remind myself that I'm listening. All is well. Handsome is healing and we're here together. I take a deep breath and wait for the next message. It's when I'm most quiet that I hear just what I need. I just have to remember to be patient.


September 11, 2024

Never Forget...

9/11 Honor and Remember

September 10, 2024

Stronger Every Day...

We had a lovely weekend with Handsome's brother last weekend. In fact, so much so that I never even got a photograph of the two of them together! (Bad blogger!)

Handsome gets stronger everyday, and he continues with physical therapy and needed doctor visits. From all accounts, the brain is absorbing the residual from the bleed that was causing the issues. Now that the supply has been cut off, we're hoping that the two area that were causing the problem will just disappear over time. His doctor is happy with his progress, too, which is wonderful.

I'll be at work today, but Handsome assures me he'll take it easy. He'll likely read the latest book he's been enjoying, and except for letting the dogs out a few times, he'll just rest while I'm away.

I'm going to make a pot of coffee and get ready for work. I hope you have a great week. 

September 9, 2024

All In A Day's Work...

It was actually "an afternoon's play". I don't know why I was so hesitant to make this one, but I'm so happy I finally sat down and figured it all out. I'm shipping it out today, so Miss Ellie will have her gift later this week. 

The actual puppy's face purse measures 6.5" wide by 6" long by 1" wide. The shoulder strap has a 13" drop, so I hope it's the perfect length for a five year old young lady. The following photos show just a bit of the details.
Front of Ellie's Puppy Purse
Back of Ellie's Puppy Purse, Showing The Tail

Paw Print Lining

A Little Corgi Bell Charm is the Final Touch

I can't wait to hear Ellie's reaction to her gift. I'm so glad I've completed it. Truthfully, I didn't take all the photos or write a pattern as I created this. I'm happy that this is a one-and-only creation just for her. I may change my mind and make another in the future, but not exactly like this one. That way, she can always feel special knowing she has the only one like it in the whole world, and I made it just for her.

September 8, 2024

September 6, 2024

I Have A Plan...

Handsome's brother is flying in for a long weekend today. I'm working tonight - and I just realized tomorrow, too (for a co-worker), but the rest of the weekend will be to myself as the guys hang out and visit with each other. 

I'll be playing in the studio. Now, don't get all excited about how tidy my studio looks. As I told MA in yesterday's comments, it currently looks "post apocalyptic" and chaotic. I'm not going to spend a lot of time cleaning it so I can play. I'm going to mostly work around the piles to concentrate on sewing a purse for a little girl. I can clean next week after I've finished making a new mess.

So, that's my plan and I'm praying I can stick with it. I'd planned an "extended Birthday" for Miss Ellie, but I don't want to get too carried away. After all, she's only five. There's plenty of time to teach her how to really stretch it out! I'll share more tomorrow before I go to work!

September 5, 2024

Colors Chosen...

I spent some time choosing the colors of cork I want to use for Ellie's Puppy Purse. It's a start, right? I'm in the process of redrawing and cutting out pieces right now...and taking photographs of the process as I go along.

I also canned the last fifteen pounds of tomatoes into stewed tomatoes yesterday. The result was 13 1/2 quarts. I used 1 1/2 for dinner last night. We had salisbury steak with beautiful yellow potatoes. It was a hit, and just a taste of things to come this fall and winter. Handsome was quite pleased with the results, and truthfully, so was I.

I have the tomato skins dehydrating until late morning, and then I'll process them into powder for later use. First, Handsome has his physical therapy appointment (and I'm his driver), and haircuts are on the agenda later. Then, I'll get back into the studio for some serious work. I'll do better for you tomorrow.

September 4, 2024


I must have been really tired last night. I fell asleep reading and only just woke up! Sooo, my plan is to work in the studio today on that little puppy purse for Elizabeth. 

I hope you're having a good day. It's perfect weather to be outside, so I'll have to concentrate to get this done. Let's see how that goes.

September 3, 2024

Weekend Labors...

It was Labor Day Weekend, so I kept busy in the kitchen. I bought forty pounds of beef steak tomatoes from a local producer, with stewed tomatoes, homemade Rotel™ and tomato juice in mind. I processed the first fifteen pounds of tomatoes, which yielded these gorgeous seven quarts of stewed tomatoes, plus two quarts of juice.

I would have processed more tomatoes, but there was a gentlemen who brought pears and McIntosh apples (Handsome's favorite) to the store where I work. We had this big plastic tub, filled with bags of both. I get our pears from Andy and Shelly, but all our apples from the old tree dropped before they ripened, so I jumped on the Macs. 

I came home with twenty five pounds, so Handsome and I cut them all up and put them in two Nesco™ roasters to cook down while I did the tomatoes. I didn't finish the applesauce until midnight, but went to bed with fourteen quarts cooling on the counter. One didn't seal, so it went into the fridge so we'll eat that first.

I did blanch and peel the beef steaks, so I saved  the peels to dehydrate. Did you know that you can also preserve these to make tomato paste? I only just learned about this. Once dehydrated, I pulverized the skins in my little grinder (dedicated to spices and veg - no coffee) and then placed them into a jar.

To use for paste, mix 1 part powder to 1 part water. It's that easy. In the alternative, the powder can be added by the spoonful to soups or other dishes to enhance the flavor. It takes a while to fill a jar, but I have more tomatoes to process, so there will be more skins.

I took the day off on Sunday to rest and spend time with Handsome, but got back to it yesterday. We didn't have plans as Handsome tires quickly, so I want him to rest. Instead, I processed twenty pounds of San Marzano tomatoes (like Romas) into pizza sauce.

I don't peel these tomatoes. Instead, I cut out the core, and then cut them into quarters to run through my food processor...peels and all. The peels are undetectable when the mixture is cooked, and it adds more texture to my paste. As always, I then season the tomatoes with my favorite, Mrs. Wages Pizza Sauce packets to cook.

By mid-afternoon, I'd processed twenty one 12 ounce jars, and eight 8 ounce jars of sauce. After they cooled, I removed the rings (I do that with all my jars), made sure they'd all sealed, wiped the rims and labeled them. They're now in the pantry cupboard awaiting our next homemade pizza.

I work today, but will process the rest of the beef steak tomatoes tomorrow. Then I'll be taking a little rest from canning to work on some craftier pursuits. First things first. I'd better finish getting ready for work. I don't want to be tardy. See you tomorrow!

September 2, 2024

Happy Holiday...

Labor Day Greetings from our family to yours,

Donna & Handsome

Bella & Carly

Claudette & Crystal

September 1, 2024