September 25, 2024

September Musings...

We're already half-way through the final full week in September. My, how time flies. I had so many plans for this month, but someone had other ideas. Even so, I shall not lament. Rather, I'll embrace my circumstances and do my best.

I'll be working on my bluebirds for a bit today, but Handsome has an appointment this morning, and our monthly classmate dinner is this afternoon. I'll share a photo of our gathering tomorrow, and promise an update of my bluebirds on Friday.

The days are beginning to get "crisp". My favorite time of year is right around the corner. Soon, I'll be stitching in my favorite sweaters, and before we know it, I'll be working on Christmas projects. 

Life is good, and I'm one Lucky Girl.

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Blessings, Donna