September 13, 2024

Ellie Loves It!...

Ellie's mama shot a video of her opening her gift today, so you know I just had to share. She was so tickled! I would have shared the video, but her little sister and brother are bouncing around in the background, so I decided to capture some still images to give you an idea of how she liked it.

Once she (quickly) realized what it was, a huge (missing one front tooth) grin appeared on her face. She immediately put it on as a crossbody, and then inspected it further. She opened the zipper and had to show her mama the paw print lining.

You've got to know that I was grinning from ear to ear the entire time I watched the video...and my glee has lasted for hours since then.

This last photograph is sweet Ellie looking at the camera to thank her Aunt Donna for the gift. I'm grinning all over again as I write this.

Her mama, Brianna, told me that Ellie had a date yesterday evening to go to a ball game with her daddy. She asked her mother if she could take her purse with her, and was told she could. The update after they left was that her mom was going to have to "break her heart" tomorrow to tell her she couldn't take it to school with her. sniffle

In Ellie's card, I told her that I had designed and sewn the purse just for her, and that there isn't another one like it in the world. Her mom told me she was feeling extra special knowing that. I've made gifts for Ethan's family before, and as always, I really enjoy gifting them because all of them appreciate the time and effort that went into their creation.

I told Brianna that I know their second child loves kitties. I'm already working on that design in my head, and will make that purse soon, so the next gift won't be late...I mean...extended.


  1. Little Ellie is so cute with hr puppy purse.
    It was a hit!

    1. Hi Marilyn:
      If only you could hear her excitement and voice as she opened the package. She's simply adorable.

    2. I crocheted a little purple purse with a daisy on it, & put some colored pencils inside for a neighbor's great granddaughter. Turns out she loves to draw, so it was perfect!

  2. Only one thing tops the whole creative process: seeing the recipient find joy in what you have made! That is truly the icing on the cake!! So glad you received a "healthy dose of icing"! 😊

    1. Hi Lois:
      Thank you, dear. It was a healthy dose, indeed. Just the little bit of appreciation I needed. I'm so tickled that she loves it. You're right. The feedback is the best part.

  3. awwww - so sweet and so wonderful of her mama to share the video with you. You did good my friend!

    1. Hi MA:
      Thank you, dear. Her mama is the best. I love creating for their family because they all appreciate the time and effort (and love) that went into it.

  4. Sherry of createology: Elle shows how much she loves her puppy purse. So nice of her mom to video her opening her gift. Always so good to know our hand created gifts are received and appreciated. Ooohhh. A kitty next?!!!

    1. Hi Sherry:
      You're so right, girlfriend. The video was awesome and I may just keep it forever! Yep. Kitty next, for sure.

  5. It was wonderful that you got to see her reaction. I'm sure the video is even better.
    I'm happy you are letting the craft show go, that was my first choice, but I didn't know just
    what your feelings were about that. Good choice.
    Like you said, when you are quiet and listen the answer appears.
    And now for the both of you to enjoy the upcoming weekend.

    1. Hi Shirley:
      The video is just the best! Her sweet, gappy-toothed smile brings back memories of childhoods past, and the sorts of gifts that I would have loved to receive. It was so heartwarming. I felt deep down that I needed to let the show go, but felt an obligation, too. The relief is immeasurable right now. I'm not the kid I used to be, and the thought of marathon sewing, lugging in displays, etc. was weighing heavily on me. Now, I can look forward to gift sewing, restocking my shop at my pace, and spending precious time with Handsome. That alone is worth more than our weight in gold. Wishing you a lovely weekend, too, my friend.

  6. How delightful - she's a cutie! It's sweet and gratifying to make special gifts for the little ones in our lives, always so rewarding just to see their joy.
    Take care,


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Blessings, Donna