September 28, 2024

Handsome Went Boating...

Mike and Joann are going home tomorrow. They're not going straight back to Florida because they're making a side trip to see friends along the way. They've already confirmed that their east coast (Florida) home is completely safe following the hurricane.

Their antique boat finally got back from the place where it's stored and maintained...just in time for them to take it out on the water before they leave. We were both invited to join them, along with another couple, but my home and work commitments prevented me from going along. I wasn't going to let Handsome miss it, though, so he went and spent the day on the water with our dear friends.

Here's Michael at the wheel, as he was coming around to pick up his passengers. I guessed that his vintage craft was a wooden boat, but it's probably just as well I wasn't along, as I would have whined the entire time. I adore wooden boats, and this one is a real beauty. We can see why our friends are so in love with it.

Handsome has had a rough couple of months, so I'm content knowing that he spent the day on the water, worry-free and happy with friends. I'll definitely go along next time they offer us a boat ride. I mean, really. Isn't it just beautiful - and what better way to spend a sunny day?

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Blessings, Donna