September 21, 2024

Concord Grapes...

Facebook Marketplace again for the win! I made grape jam when we first moved into the farmhouse, but my two sources dried up and I've been unable to find more (locally) ever since. I've been searching online for Concord grapes, but all I could find were at least an hour away...until Thursday night. It turns out there was a prolific grape arbor in the backyard of a family within twenty minutes of the farmhouse!

I asked for fifteen pounds, which was waiting for us when we arrived. Handsome and I had a conversation with a lovely young woman who said she had much more than she would ever use for the grape juice she cans. She also said she'd hang onto my name for future years.

These grapes are beautiful, tasty, and will be the basis of multiple jars of grape goodness that I'll can up this weekend. If you've never had fresh grape jam, you don't know what you're missing. It in no way resembles the factory-produced jam you find on the grocery shelves. This is fresh, and the grape flavor almost punches you in the face! (The whole house smells like a Welch's factory, too!) Handsome loves jams and jellies, and he's been talking about me making jam ever since we got them home. I'll share photos of the finished jars on Monday.

Gosh, I love my (our) life here in the farmhouse. Here's wishing all of you a wonderful, restful weekend.

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Blessings, Donna