September 12, 2024

Saturday Sky...

This is how the sky looked as I was on my way to work on Saturday. The sun was obscured, but its light still radiated through the clouds. It was like the Heavens were sending a message.

All is well, even when you may not see it.

I try very hard not to push myself anymore, but there's so much I still want to accomplish. So much I still want to do. What's next?

I'd like to start my bluebird wall hanging...or perhaps continue the hard task of the continued studio purge...or get a head start on the pieces I need to make for the November vendor and craft show?  I still haven't tidied up my Etsy shop, and then there's always laundry. Do you see my dilemma?

So, I'll look at this photograph and remind myself that I'm listening. All is well. Handsome is healing and we're here together. I take a deep breath and wait for the next message. It's when I'm most quiet that I hear just what I need. I just have to remember to be patient.



  1. I think we all go through that.
    So much to do. so little time.
    Whatever you pick to do, just enjoy it.

    1. Hi Marilyn:
      Thanks for saying that. I helps. Spent most of today in the kitchen. Baking. I always enjoy that, and we were out of bread. lol

  2. Here's my unsolicited advice (not that you asked for it!), but with all the stress you've been under with Handsome's medical issues, I'd seriously think about getting out from under the craft show. The rest of your list might then not seem so overwhelming and you can chip away at it as you feel inspired. Well, maybe clean underwear might move laundry up the list!

    1. Hi MA:
      I think you and I are beginning to meld minds. I've been contemplating this for a while, but felt like I needed affirmation/permission. When I read your note, I got all teary, which told me that letting the shows go this year was just what I needed to do. I spoke with Handsome and you, he and I agree. I'll let them know I'm not going to participate again. Instead, I'll be able to focus on updating my Etsy shop and adding new things soon, but not having to produce so many multiples that would be required for the show.I told him I'll likely change my price structure through the end of the year to clear out the cork items I would have sold at the show. Just in time for Christmas planning. The rest of my list already seems more manageable, and I'm very grateful that you made the suggestion out loud. It was just the push I needed.
      Thank you!

    2. You're welcome! Glad it struck a chord with you, but I didn't mean to get you teary-eyed...awwwww.

  3. I think a cup of tea on the porch with the still quiet voice is a good place to start. - Kathy

    1. Hi Kathy:
      You're absolutely right! When all else fails, a cuppa on the porch is perfect!

  4. Sherry of createology: Those of us who have lots of ideas and projects and Acts of Kindness to be done rarely sit idle. It is a rare opportunity we need to stop and take for our sanity. Blessings Dear.

    1. Hi Sherry:
      You fully understand, my friend. I baked bread today, but things took a little longer because I did just that. I took breaks. Tea on the porch. Sit in the sun and soak up some of the last rays of summer. Enjoy time with Handsome, and then finish my kitchen tasks.
      Thank you so much.

  5. I went through this same feeling this past Spring.
    So much I had to get done, I was peddling so fast and then something said 'breathe'.
    I took a serious look at the list and what I knew had to be
    done first. It can't all be done at once. Stress does crazy things to us. The list is still very long, but I feel like it is under control.
    I would get everything ready for the November show, then you
    won't have the last minute stress to deal with. You'll be able to pack up the Explorer and just go. November isn't far away, we're almost half way through September, how did that happen?

    1. Hi Shirley:
      Then you know how I'm feeling, although I suspect your stress was much greater than mine, dear. I read MA's comment early in the day and sat down with Handsome to discuss. The time I need to expend to get product ready for this show takes weeks away from "home". It was easier when he went to Florida to play music. Then, I only needed to stop to let the dogs outside once in a while, or to grab a sandwich. That doesn't work when he's home. I need to be more "present", so the anxiety over that beats on me. In light of his recent health events, I decided I need to let that last show go. I can still create for my Etsy shop without the pressure that lasts for weeks, set up some Christmas gift-giving/Closeout deals, and hopefully make up the sales I would have had at the show. Making that decision this morning already freed up a huge amount of mental space for me. Although I enjoy the actual event, I no longer feel the pressure associated with preparing for it. Does that make sense?
      Thank you, dear. You're always in my thoughts.


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Blessings, Donna