September 6, 2024

I Have A Plan...

Handsome's brother is flying in for a long weekend today. I'm working tonight - and I just realized tomorrow, too (for a co-worker), but the rest of the weekend will be to myself as the guys hang out and visit with each other. 

I'll be playing in the studio. Now, don't get all excited about how tidy my studio looks. As I told MA in yesterday's comments, it currently looks "post apocalyptic" and chaotic. I'm not going to spend a lot of time cleaning it so I can play. I'm going to mostly work around the piles to concentrate on sewing a purse for a little girl. I can clean next week after I've finished making a new mess.

So, that's my plan and I'm praying I can stick with it. I'd planned an "extended Birthday" for Miss Ellie, but I don't want to get too carried away. After all, she's only five. There's plenty of time to teach her how to really stretch it out! I'll share more tomorrow before I go to work!


  1. Have fun creating that purse!
    I think you studio looks very organized.

    1. Hi Marilyn:
      I can't wait for you to see it! This is an old photograph. My studio currently looks like a bomb went off in there. I'll do something about it soon, though. Thanks, dear.

  2. I must admit to having a huge case of studio envy right now! I know you say it's looking post apocalyptic but I'd be willing to bet mine has yours beat. I keep telling myself that I thrive in chaos (and if you believe that you're more gullible than I thought).

    1. Hi MA:
      The most frustrating part for me is that I haven't even been in there for a while. I really need to downsize fabric, so I can reclaim this bedroom as a...bedroom. That's going to take A LOT of manpower and ambition. That's why I haven't been in there. sigh. I know neither of us thrive on chaos. I'm contemplating a fall craft sale right here at the farm. Perhaps then, I'll be able to make the big switcheroo over the winter. ugh

  3. I think your studio looks beautiful and inspiring! But, I will admit, it also looks a little overwhelming... SO MUCH inspiration but so little time!! 😉 I hope your plan works out well this weekend...looking forward to seeing the puppy purse!

    1. Hi Lois:
      It is overwhelming. It's really motivating me to downsize - a lot! Read my comment to MA. Something's gotta give, for sure. Puppy Purse accomplished! yippee!

  4. Sherry of createology: I have taken over the dining table as well as my 2/3 of the Casita hubby and I share. At least I am making some progress on projects that I have committed to. Enjoy your weekend dear.

    1. Hi Sherry:
      I'm continuing to purge throughout the house. I think I may have a big craft/yard sale this fall. We'll see if my body can live up to my ambition! Thanks, dear.


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Blessings, Donna