September 27, 2024

Stitch, Frog, Stitch...

I admit, it doesn't look like much yet. I stitched the baby birds beaks, frogged what I'd stitched, and then stitched some more. The same for the bluebird's head. Getting the eyes and beaks right is very important to me. When I stopped for the day (losing daylight), this was all I'd accomplished, and I still have some tweaking to do.

The beak is not the finished look. This will be the padding for the actual stitching so it has some dimension. The babies' beaks still need a little bit of work, too, which I'll perfect using my lighted magnifier.

For the bluebird's head, I'm first stitching in the darker of the colors. I'll go back and add lighter colors for contrast. You'll see that I'm using only one strand of thread. This is all Anchor floss. Using one thread will make it easier to get more detail. The eye is almost finished, but I have a little more to do there, too.

I'll be doing more stitching on the beaks, eyes and heads today. I have to go to work tonight, but should be able to get a little more finished by the time I have to leave. I'm also planning to stitch all weekend, so I should have quite a bit more done by Monday.

Sending prayers for strength and safety for all our Florida friends in the wake of Hurricane Helene. I hope everyone will be okay in the wake of this devastating storm.


  1. I think it's looking great.
    This is going to be so pretty!

  2. I am enjoying these details and watching this project progess - it really is fascinating, and now we really can see why your stitched and quilted birds are so absolutely amazing when they are complete!

    1. Hi Lois:
      You're so kind, my dear. I hope you enjoy seeing the process as much as I enjoy sharing it.

  3. Thank you for sharing the process and the frogging too. It's something we all do and some of us are afraid to admit it. My current project enjoyed the application of the rippit tool too.

    1. Hi MA:
      Ahhh, yes. I don't believe anyone can complete a project completely "rip" free! I'm not afraid to admit I make mistakes. Especially in a process where I'm the designer. Too many choices to always go with the first one. lol

  4. Sherry of createology: The amount of work you put into your stitcheries is amazing. You get just the right detail every time with all of your frogging and re-stitching. These should be museum quality that you create. Happy Stitching dear.

    1. Hi, Sherry:
      You're so kind to say that! You're gonna make me blush.
      I'm planning to stitch away my weekend (after I get home from Craft Day!).

  5. It looks wonderful. Coming to life.


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Blessings, Donna