September 14, 2024

I've Decided On The Next Big Project...


This photo is of the very first step of my process. I have a huge notebook, filled to the brim with nature images - inspiration for future projects. My next seasonal quilt will be the bluebirds. I pulled examples of the poses, subjects and colors I'll need for this piece, and will proceed from this starting point. 

First, I'll size the basic images I want to use to be comparable to the two quilts I've already completed...Song of Spring - Robins and Winter Song - Cardinals. This one will be called Summer Serenade - Bluebirds. Once I've chosen the poses and corrected for size, I'll work on the composition and lay it out on my musical notes background fabric. I intend to share the major steps in this process with you as I do them, but I'm sharing the first steps now.

At this point, I've chosen my colorways and will spend the next few hours just winding threads onto bobbins so they're easier to pull and strand when the stitching begins. It's really grunt work, but also very zen to just sit winding thread.

You will see other projects I start and complete while I also work on this, but this will be a long-term, fall/winter project until it's finished.

*** While most images I use are actual wildlife photos, I was so smitten with the mother feeding her babies by Marjolean Bastien that it ended up in my binder. Of course, I'll change some things, but I wanted to recognize the artist for that artwork.

When I get to working on the next phase, I'll take photos to share. As I said, winding bobbins is next on my agenda. Time to make a cuppa, turn on some good music, put up my feet, and get to it.

Happy Weekend!



  1. Oh, this is going to be fabulous!
    Marjolean Bastien has some beautiful designs.
    Can't wait!

    1. Hi Marilyn:
      I think it's going to be really fun. I love her designs, too. I'll begin soon!

  2. I love everything about this project already!! ❤️ I adore bluebirds, mama birds feeding baby birds... and those colors!! Swoooooon! Well, there is no doubt in my mind that this is another blue ribbon quilt in the making! We will all enjoy watching the process.

    1. Hi Lois:
      I'm so excited to start this one. I, too, love the bluebirds, having only first seen them when we moved here. I'll have fun sharing my progress with you. Thanks, dear!

  3. Yay - a bluebird! Closest I've ever come to seeing a real one, even though I know they are around here. And I have to say Marjolean Bastien is a favourite of mine and I often buy her greeting cards. Looking forward to seeing you work on this one.

    1. Hi MA:
      I never saw a real one until we moved into the farmhouse. They loved sitting on the guide wires for our power pole. I'm going to have to work on a new set up for them for next spring.
      I love MB, too. Her artwork is so beautiful and peaceful. I'll share as I work it all out.

  4. Sherry of createology: I love Bluebirds and your Summer Serenade will be exquisite! You are right about winding the threads becoming Zen like. Enjoy your weekend Dear.

  5. As usual this will be nothing short of spectacular. I love bluebirds, oh I love all birds.
    I also love Marjolean Bastien, I have several of her cross stitch patterns. I've stitched
    a few over the years. Her attention to detail is amazing.
    Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

    1. Hi Shirley:
      I hope I can live up to your expectations, dear. I do love all the birds that visit the farmhouse, but having never seen them prior to moving here, they're especially dear to my heart. I've seen MB's xs patterns before, and I may even have one or two (I'll have to look one of these days!) I agree, her artwork is very special. I'm getting lots of good rest, thanks! Same to you, btw.

  6. I love this kind of work, the planning, gathering of materials - the anticipation of something beautiful and interesting. Looking forward to seeing this develop!
    Many hugs,


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Blessings, Donna