September 26, 2024

September Classmate Gathering...

l-r: back-John, Jeff, Donna, Ken, Mary, Deb B. front-Cal, Al, Bruce Missing: Dick and Mike S.

Another great meal shared with old friends. Two of our classmates left before we took our photo. We always take one right before we part ways, and they took off before the rest of us. We'll remind the newcomers at the beginning of dinner to hang around at the end next time.

I sat next to Deb and Mary, and we agreed that we really love these monthly dinners. Old friendships rekindled as we planned for the reunion, and then tended each month since as we share a meal together. We all look forward to these dinners. Not everyone can attend every month, but that's okay, too. It gives us new things to discuss the next time they join us. We sure have fun, though, and there is always much-needed laughter...and more than a little story-telling.

Bruce is a huge fan of my cinnamon rolls, so he always orders some before our dinner nights. Yesterday was no exception, so, because I want them to be fresh, I got up very early yesterday to "make the donuts". I made a double batch of dough, which yielded four trays of four large rolls. I took an extra tray, which was grabbed almost before I could finish offering it. I guess I should make more next time!

Actually, our next gathering will be on October 30th, so I'm thinking I'll plan ahead and make frosted sugar cookies in the shape of a pumpkins, black cats, or ghosts. (I'll need to get new cookies cutters, because I don't have those shapes.) I'd also have to start the weekend before so I have plenty to frost the day of our dinner. Could be fun!

Handsome doesn't have any appointments today, so my plan is to spend the day needle dancing. We'll see how far I get on my birds. Either way, it will be fun to just sit and stitch for a bit.


  1. Looks like a fun group!
    Have fun stitching on the birds.

  2. It really is lovely that everyone clears time in their schedules and enjoys the time spent together with old friends. ❤️ I had to smile at the thought of you shuffling around your kitchen with an apron and hat just like the little man from those old Dunkin Donut commercials...time to make the donuts.😁

  3. You just might end up making those cinnamon rolls for them all if this keeps up!


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Blessings, Donna