January 2, 2024

Tuesdays With Tag - Starting A New Year...

Hi, Everybody!

Well, here we are startin' a new year together. I hope you had great holiday celebrations, and didn't eat too much food. Mom was careful to ration our treats so we don't pack on the pounds over the holidays.

There was a flurry of activity around here yesterday 'cuz our second son and daughter-in-law showed up with their (our girls). Both granddaughters helped Mom in the kitchen all day, and there might have been a little chucklin' at me when they saw that I was hangin' around Granddaughter #2 all the time. 

She and I have always had a lot in common, so I guess she might be my favorite, although I love 'em both. Granddaughter #2 has strawberry blonde hair just like mine, and she's just a little shorter than the rest of her family so she gets me. Plus, she always gives great cuddles - and I love her cuddles.

There were presents exchanged which is always a favorite pasttime for us dogs. We even get to help open them sometimes. We aren't even gonna mention all the great food smells. Unless schnibbles accidentally landed on the floor durin' prep, we didn't see much of the people food, though. All three of us hung out under the dinin' room table, though, just in case there was a drop emergency. We're always ready to serve.

All in all it was a really great day, and we had so much fun, we didn't even think about takin' any pictures! (That's how you know it was fun.) The wind kept comin' up all day, too, so it was pretty chilly outside by dark. It was too icky to hang around in the yard when we aired out, so we got our outside jobs done quickly, and all just bundled into our favorite sleepin' spots and took a late day practice nap...includin' Mom and Dad. I can tell you that I had some pretty sweet dreams, thinking about my red-haired granddaughter. It was the best day so far this year!

This week is gonna be pretty excitin'. We're gettin' started on a pantry remodel, so today, I'm gonna supervise while Mom and Dad empty the walls and cupboards on the sink side of the room. I heard Mom say she doesn't even know where to start puttin' stuff to get it out of the way while the room under construction.

I know one thing's for sure, Carly will have lots of strangers to bark at, Bella will spend most of her days sleepin' on the bed upstairs to just stay out of the way, and I'm gonna be on the lookout for workers takin' lunch breaks. Nobody can mooch a piece of sandwich like a Corgi, and I'm more talented at it than the average pup. I'll let you know how it's goin' next week. I'm gonna run for now.

I'll see you again in seven. 'til then...

"Always make time for dog snuggles."


  1. Glad you had fun with your favorite gal Tag.
    I hope you got a few droppins' :)
    Yes, the weather has been cold & dark.
    Have fun supervisin' today!
    Happy New Year!

    1. Hi Miss Marilyn:
      Same here. A little sunshine first thing in the mornin', gives way to cloudy and gloomy by lunchtime until dark. Mom says "ugh" a lot.

  2. Sherry of createology: Great way to begin this New Year Tag. Family cuddles, food schnibbles and a nice nap. Today will be very exciting to remodel the kitchen pantry. Mom and Dad do so much cooking and canning that it will be nice to have it arranged better for their use. Smooches dear…

    1. Hi Miss Sherry:
      All the remodelin'...I just want to know where my food tote is gonna be! Mom would be dancin' a jig if she weren't sore from emptyin' and movin' all the stuff that was in the cabinets on that side. She's groanin' right now. lol

  3. Sounds like a wonderful way to start 2024 Tag - cuddles AND good food, what else is there to want? Happy New Year - to you and your hooomans.

    1. Hi Miss MA:
      Thanks so much! Same to your crew.

  4. Happy New Year Tag, you are off to a great start.
    Sounds like you had a wonderful, busy day to start the year and sounds like it will
    continue through the week.
    Great plan to be on the lunch break lookout.
    New Year smooches to you.

    1. Dear Miss Shirley:
      A package arrived today for me (us), and Mom couldn't help but smile at the way it was addressed. Then she opened it for me (no thumbs, remember), and she smiled and got a little teary readin' the cards. THEN, she looked at the contents and started cryin'. Her Birthday is now extended over a month, thanks to you. She's gonna send you a proper "thank you", but wanted me to say somethin' now - on behalf of all of us. Your generosity with schneks, treats for Mom - and that wonderful ornament that will continue to give year after year. You're so kind and sweet. Thanks, and thanks again.
      Love and big smooches,
      Tag, Bella, Carly, Claudette, Crystal...and Mom.


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Blessings, Donna